Suho:Another Cliché Story,I mean,Imagine.

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*Your best friend's name here is Leanne.Enjoy!

Another Cliché Story,i mean,imagine.

   Cliché.One word to describe my friends.They always think that i will somehow marry a superstar,have thousands of babies and have a happy ending,let alone a thousands of babies.I don't believe in love or love at first sight,i just know that everyone gets their heart broken at the end.


       “(Y/N), will you go to the concert with me? Pleassee?” Leanne asked.You always hated concerts,it's filled with sweaty,screaming people.“No” You said,monotone.“C'mon! You have to go with me,i will not go alone..”She said,doing the puppy eyes,which didnt work on you.“Why don't you ask the others?”You suggested.“They can't make it and you know how strict their parents are.”She whined.Its true though,one time,you guys planned to go shopping but all four of them can't make it.You're all 17,for fudge sakes.“Still,i'm not going.”You said crossing your arms.“I'll treat you!”She said.You eyed her suspiciously.“Treat me what?”You asked.“Um,uh anything!” She said desperately.“Anything?” You asked,smirking.“Yes! Anything!” She practically shouted,earning a few looks from other student.“Fine,you have to treat me lunch,for a month.” You said.Her mouth dropped.“A month!?” She shrieked.You smirked.“Yes” You know she hated using her money,it's for her “college”,*cough* concerts *cough*.“Urghh,fine.”She groaned.“But,Im dressing you up!” Her annoyed look,turned into an evil look.Damn,what did i get myself into,you thought.


“I am not wearing heels to a concert!”You hissed.“You have to,besides you promised!”She said,or yelled.“No i didn't,you just tokd me,you have to dress me up,I didnt promise anything.”She signed.“Fine,  but you are wearing the dress.” “Urghh,I hate you.” You said.“You love me.” She replied.You bith smiled.


             Thunder,Thunder,Thubder neoreul japgo sipeo,Thunder Thunder, Thunder.Ohh~ “I LOVE YOU SEHUN!”(y/b/f) shouted,which cause you to get startled and immedietly close your ears.“Seriously my ears are about to burst!” You shouted back at her.“Im sorry but i have to cheer for my husband right?”She smiled at you.You just glared at her.After the concert,you guys went to the meet and greet section,which has a lot if people.“Omgggg! This line is soo long.” Leanne whined.“You're the one who wanted to meet then and btw,stop being so dramatic,it's only five people and we're there.”You said.She looked in front and back at you.“Oh” She said quietly.“Ohhh..” Yiu mocked her.A few more minutes passed and we're up,just like what you said.
           “Annyeonghaseyo Sehun,Luhan and Baekhyun!!” Leanne said excitedly.Sehun,Luhan and Baekhyun are sitting in a red velvet silk table, with a few signed posters and t-shirts.Sehun who spoked first.“Annyeong,thank you for coming to our concert,here you go.” He said handling Leanne a CD,which is free.“So what are your names?”Luhan asked.“Leanne!”She said jumping up and down.Luhan looked at you,and you felt a tugged on your waist,-“Oh um,(y/n).”You said.“Nice to meet you both,Kamsahamnida!” Baekhyun said and waved goodbye.Sehun got up and hugged Leanne,but you can tell he regretted doing that,the security has been trying to get her away from him for hourss,nah,im just exaggerating,you thought.It all went almost the same way with the other members except for Chen who is flirting with me,and did i mention, he failed .You both reached Suho's table,who is the last member.
           “Annyeong,What's your name?” Suho are actually excited meeting him,he was the most handsome in EXO(A/n: Everyone in exo is perfect,i,myself thinks that Luhan is the most handsome,but it's up to you guys,now back your reading.)“Um,excuse me?”He said,you didnt realize you were dozed off in front of him,how embarrassing!“ Umm,(Y/n)..”You said blushing.“Holy Shiz,(y/n) You're blushing!Finally!”Leanne said,almost close to shouting.You glared at her.
           “So im the first lucky guy who gets to make you blush huh?”Suho said.

Thanks for reading,hope you like this one!


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