Part 10 - The Caring Husband

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Nadia stared him doubts... His asking had suddenly reminded her to her imperfectness.... Thousand times this man had been asking her that words before he did more as he want to make sure that her wife had all things ready and comfortable for next rough and wilder action... It was sucks finding the reality, thousand times they had done this intimation, but it was felt wasteful without a little life be present in her arid womb...! In an instant she had her desires dimmed...!


And Tom....the caring husband looked his wife in the uxorious eyesight he always had for this woman who had been stealing his heart from the first meet and forever of his life... He could recognize what had happened as he found that glazed over eyes every other nights before this night.

But, he decided waiting "the yes" answer for more other seconds...with the rest of his faltered hopes...

And when nothing happened except that she still gripped around him in silent, looked blankly and without any motion on her spot, he cleared his voice...desperately, "Is this my....emmh...our moment..." He asked it again though he knew it seemed to be impossible...!

Nadia loosened her grips from his bare body. She put her hands on his face, touched his cheeks, she gave him a bland rubbing on his beardy jaw, and slowly leaned her forehead against his before her hands and all of hers really limped onto the sheet in nothingness under his body... She didn't even look his man in the eye, the feeble pale face fell aside....

Tom took a deep breath, he gazed her to those glassy eyes, and he knew what she was thinking.....and it was nothing to do with that, the thing he could give now, was showing her that he could understand her, that she shouldn't to feel guilty about it...... He gently planted a compassionate kiss on her forehead before slowly he flopped down onto the sheet and sighed deep as a bit panted...

The loving couple lying still side by silent. Tom's right hand feebly reached the blanket and dragging it to cover their lower body. He looked up blankly to the white roof...tried to distract his silent dissatisfaction....


It was five minutes passed, it turned out that....oddly for this night, he still couldn't get rid off his unfulfilment feeling completely...... Tom groaned deep in his breath. He, by himself tried to detain the rumble to be barely audible. He glanced at his wife, he found she was looking aside at him, her eyes glistening. She quickly glanced away...a tear fell down from the corner of her eyes.

He had been really understanding that doing sexual intimation with this labile and distressed woman was unpredictable...! Without any warning, the make love session may be unexpectedly stopped in the middle when her agony suddenly interrupted her mind and turn out her mood...!

And Tom always trying respond it wisely and in a good way he could do. He really loves her... They love to each other. An eye contact doesn't have to be super intense, especially if she was just starting to have a difficulty to express her anxiety. Just a few seconds of eye contact should get the message across.

He tilted his head towards her. He needed to make all of his movements slowly and in gently way. He had to do everything slowly, especially in the beginning of changing positions. This was very important to prevent his sloppy motioning ignited her emotion and abruptly blaming herself uncontrollably even hurting herself... Nadia could do everything unexpectedly when she was fired up and overwhelmed by her agitation...! He remembered she herself had ever punched her stomach violently with her fist as wailing that she was useless wife...!

Already leaning to her side, Tom slowly reached her on her left cheek, carefully he turned the pale face into his. He tenderly gazed his wife's face which had began sobbing with tears had damped the pillow.

Still in careful motioning, Tom brushing her cheek slowly. But, though he used to try this slow moves all the time, once or twice it would be the trick not ran perfectly. Sometimes she had already in great upset, crying and got a tight breath like someone who couldn't breathe loosely, and it seemed she was in the beginning of that situation now...! Nadia was suddenly panting for a breath as sobbing in pain! The soft bed was a bit shaking by her short breath symptom!

Tom leaned over, whispered to her ear, caresses her cheek as wiped her tears by his fingers, " sweetheart, you can take a deep breath slowly," Tom reminded her to come up for air. She said in worries as rubbed her chest.

Nadia did what he said...for minutes she kept breathing in continuous slow inhaling and exhaling.

When she appeared to feel her breath loosening, Tom held his arms out and embraced her, "You need a little break..."

The loving man cuddling his suffered wife fondly. She needed taking a little break after the exhausting sexual activity till she's perfectly fine and can even help get her back into the positive mindshets. In that the dim room, Tom kept enfolding his wife in his warm naked body, caresses her, kissed her, rounder his arms to make her comfort. He had roped her kimono tie while he was only covering his lower body with the blanket. The door still opened, only a lamp from the corridor which had lighten the room.

Tom really gave his best effort. As he had promised to be the best man ever for his wife...


Thanks for reading! ☺ Could Nadia tell her idea at this night? And how does Tom respond it?

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