Part 22 - Concealing

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Tom roughly plunged backward onto his seat... "Why is she so headstrong!" He groaned, he began to feel annoyed by his wife.

He's waiting in frantic for minute. The phone rang again.

"I just got into the authority office," Nadia spoke from across the phone.

"So?" He asked.

"They said, they will take a look and investigate it."

Tom sighed in displeased, "But it need much time, Nad. You have to be here as soon as possible," Tom tried to control his irritated feelings.

"I will be there right away," She promised.

And then they were, in less than sixty seconds did a short conversation. Nadia said they had started to inspect the case. When Tom cautioned her to quickly get into the plane once the problem being handled, she said that she will, and said go to the island vacation together is truly her dream... Nadia stopped her speaking when Tom heard someone called her.

"My coat had been found and it was in another section of the security division!" Nadia spoke in a bit surprise tone, but then she hesitantly said... " My coat is detained by the airport securities...! They said it has a material which could harm the flight...!"

"What the kind of joke is this? What is your coat's material which's so harmful!!" Tom instantly fired to feel enraged.

"I don't know....maybe the metal accessories on it..." Nadia said a bit murmured... She was like feel unsure.

So, what you wait for? Leave the Coat, We fly without the coat...Oke!" Tom urged her to give up for the coat.

"But, honey...." Nadia said hesitantly...! The officers told me the best thing to do is not leave the airport for a while...which is what I'm doing now." Nadia stopped, "And...I think I will be confined to go out of the country."

"What? You are under arrest!?" Tom startled said, he violently panick! He didn't care he had annoyed other people in the cabin with his commotion! He emotionally slapped the armchair! "Why are they arresting you? Tell them, we're a business member and always in years using their services!!"

"The airport authorities biding the coat and also my pasport and ticket. They said I came to the airport with a harmful object suspiciously, so they think I'd be dangerous too... I would be causing any disturbance to anyone, so the airport officials can take any action against me,"

"What? Gosh, Nadia... I have had told you to leave the coat! Why didn't you hear Me?!" Tom's eyes started watering feel so disturbed by his wife! But at the same time he felt worrying her...!

"Wait....I called by officer." Nadia responded as then closed the phone.

Tom sighed and looked down at his sweaty hand with the phone in his left hand... He wished he was there beside his wife, holding hers...but he couldn't reach for her by himself, as he was already in the plane which was ready for taking off in a little minutes ahead. He glanced at Lyn which was looking at him in guilty expression....

Tom was waiting restless, voice from the cockpit announced that all electronic goods have to be deactivated. A stewardess who seemed noticing all of his activities was coming towards Tom's seat. She politely asked him to turn off the phone too airplane mode as telling that the plane will be taking off. Tom argumented a little told her that his wife was in the same flight's schedule and he was still outside. But the stewardess still urged him to close the phone.

At the end, Tom unwillingly obeyed her asking, and when he was going to click the phone off, the phone rang!

Tom nervously opened his phone, and unconsciously looked back to the plan's door, really whising she was already there.

But Nadia said she wants doing video call...

Tom frowned, from the screen, he saw Nadia was still in the airport building! She stood in front of an authority office...! And she had dull expression....her lips was slightly quivering...

"Honey.... She stopped speaking. She looked to feel hard to talk...!

"Why you still there? Our plane will fly...."

"I think I won't go with you..." Nadia said as swallowing.


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