Part 16 - The Secret Mission!

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When the housemaid finished her activity and she was going to turn around, Nadia detained her to go away.

"Sit with us!" Nadia warmly said.

"Lyn reluctantly sat on the backless sofa.

"Do you want to know what I have gotten, Lyn?" Nadia said lightly as glanced her husband in loving eye.

Then she showed her maid the red box, present from her husband which instantly made the taciturn shy guy stiffened in his sitting and glanced her as widened his eye as if he spoke to her that she shouldn't show it to their housemaid...!

But Nadia acted silly, teased her clumsy man! She, with pride showed the bikini to the girl, asking her if she would look sexy or not with the tropical bikini.

"Lyn, see! Tom gave me this, What do you think? Do I look good with this?" She said again as still hang the bikini plainly with her hands, which made the red faced guy more sinking his body on the seat.

Lyn looked up in brief glance to the bikini and said, "You will always look gorgeous in anything you wear in,"

"Thank you, hon,!" Lyn said cheery by her praise.

"Do you know, My bear wants see me wearing it," Nadia whispered as showing impish grin as then glanced at the man who had already shifted in his seat.

The beard guy quietly clutched the couch's surface...rolled his eyes away and hissed in shamefaced. He looked to feel objected and overwhelmed as he couldn't even do anything to stop her...!

"We will be doing a trip to Philippine!"

"Really?" Lyn looked up quickly, she seemed to feel enthusiast to hear the news.

Nadia gazed her... Lyn cames from Phillippine, for these two years since she worked here, she had never back home. From her a bit turned down line at the corner of her slanted eyes, she could catch that the girl was missing her home, her parents... They lived in a village in small island in Philliphine. Her parents is a farmer.

Nadia looked her blankly for minute....

And then, in a flash she got an idea to bring Lyn too in their two weeks vacation!

Nadia spontaneously glanced to her husband, "What if we bring Lyn too, to Philippine!" Without much feeling Nadia told her idea enthusiastically. "Lyn knows more about Philippine, she will become our guide, there!"

The two person equally pointing their sight to her. Nadia looked to them with bright smiling, thinking that it was a great idea!

She saw Tom looked her in mild dread expression, he had wide eyed in disapproval. He grimaced and slightly shook his head. He looked to try hard to disguise his objection by mumbled without any sound...!

Nadia grinned, Tom looked to be so amusing with that discreet murmuring with his pursed mouth as glared her.

While with Lyn, she looked to be surprised, she had light bright eyes, her dark brown eyes rounded with a glint in it. But then she lowered her head, after she glanced at Tom...

Tom got frozen when he knew Lyn had glanced up at him.

"This is all front...! It's great idea...!" Nadia mused in her mind... She didn't find yet how to convey her idea, about to make the maid got pregnant her husband's baby... If she swoop in to him and told him that she wanted him to impregnate their maid without any warning, his respons may be unexpected and not in a good way...!

And if she wanted this two introvert and shy person together, she must make them closer in physique and soul...! Though she knew Tom always tried to treat her warmly, friendly, she could catch there was discrepancy, discomfortness between them..... She must make all process moved carefully and step by step... As time progresses, their comfort level would be raising naturally..! And when that time came, Tom would already have a feeling or even a crush on the girl!

So, by taking the girl with them in their long fun vacation, this will help start a connection between the two awkward people and got them closer and closer, become comfort to each other and then ready for the next step...!

"They're my mission...!" Nadia's brain was going full of thought, like a maestro screenwriter for her life movie!


Would her mission get succeeded? Hmm... Keep reading and enjoy!

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