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Quietly, I stumbled along, trying to dodge pieces of black, jagged rock that were sticking out everywhere. Some buildings were burning a little bit and everything that the eye could see was destroyed. I shivered at the thought of the pain and misery that was caused, all the lost ones whom will never see the day again. It saddened me.

"Hey, You okay down there?" Deadshot asked as he nudged my shoulder. Looking up I gave him a curt nod before stumbling a little bit and adverting my gaze back to the ground.

"Boss, we have something." One of the solders spoke, causing Rick to jog up to him. He observed the surrounding area before pulling out his walkie talkie thing and jamming the com button. "Amanda we have hostiles up ahead"

A couple seconds of static silence went by before a powerful voice came back through the device. "Flag get out of there. We're not here to fight them, you know that doesn't work."

I hugged the stuffed unicorn to my chest even tighter when I recognized her voice. She was the reason I was here. She was the reason I wasn't still at the asylum. She was the reason I'd killed those solders. Everything bad that happened up to this point was her fault. I hadn't realized that I'd stopped walking until a rough hand shoved me forward a little bit.

"Keep moving Criminal" The man spat with disgust oozing from his mouth which caused me to shrink away and to walk a tad faster, trying to catch up with the rest of the group whom had stopped up ahead. I brushed past Killer Croc and Captain Boomerang, wanting to get as far away from the man as I could and ended up by El Diablo's side. Rick turned back to me and his men motioning with his hands. "We're diverting"

Flag discussed something with the rest of his troops before half of them started to head down the new route. The rest of us stopped behind an abandoned care while rick and the rest of his men moved up ahead and positioned themselves behind a car that was further down the street. Taking a good look around, a smirk grew on Captains face as he watched half of the men take off down the new route.

"Hey, I like these odds mate, just say the word"

An enthusiastic Harley chimed in her approval, trying to sway Deadshot into attacking.


"Hey uh... Hold that thought..." and with that, Floyd left us and moved up towards Rick.

It all happened so fast. One minute I was happily stroking pinky and waiting for our orders. And the next we were being rushed by these weird black monsters.

The soldiers all opened fired along with Deadshot, emptying clips left and right. The flashing of guns and the bangs of the bullets rang through my mind. The world was blurring around me as I noticed a pale streak of blue and red dash past and into the chaos. Closing my eyes, I slammed my back into the side of the car and slid down it to the ground. My hands holding my temples as I tried to block out the madness ensuing around me. My face was tucked firmly into my knees as I held pinky securely in my grasp and slowly breathed in and out, trying to gain control of my mind. I won't allow another incident like the one on the plane.

In... and out
In... and out
In and out

None of the exercises were working, I could feel the urge to let go itching in the back of my mind. My shaking grew worse and worse as the sounds of war grew more and more. It was too much for me. I wasn't a criminal. I didn't belong here.

And with those final thoughts.... I was gone.

Our Super Psycho Love (Suicide Squad x OC)Where stories live. Discover now