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I couldn't move. I wouldn't walk. I couldn't talk. She was gone. The closest thing I had to a family were gone I'd never met the Joker, but I assume he was a good man based off what Harley told me. My legs dangled lifelessly as Captain carried me down the steps of the building in him arms.

He didn't try and question me if I was alright, which I was thankful for because we both knew the answer to that. I had the gun Harley had given to me along with her jacket tucked protectively in my arms like a mother would a child. They're the last things I have of her, and I plan on cherishing them forever. The cool air of the night rain hit my face hard as we exited the building.

"Hey guys, I'm back!"

I could still hear her voice cheerfully ringing through my head.

"I missed you all so much.."

"We're glad you could make it."

Wait... What?

Whipping my head away from Captain chest, I couldn't believe the sight in front of me. There was Harley, in all her glory, getting off the top of a car with the help of Deadshot. I probably looked like an idiot as I cried even harder, flinging around in Captain arms until he put me back down onto my own wobbly legs. In an instant I had ran across the gap separating us and collided rather roughly with Harley's frame. I had my arms wrapped tightly around her waist as I cried into her stomach.

"I-I-I tho-thought y-you w-w-were dead-d!"

"Oh sugar... You can't get rid of me that easily!" Harley chimed out. I could hear the pain in her voice as she hugged me back.

~Time Skip through some walking~

"So let me guess. We're going to the swirling ring of trash in the sky. You know, cause why wouldn't we?... When does this end, Flag?"

"Load up. We're in for a fight."

I stayed back as gaze sat the mutilated plane in front of me. Still clutching onto Harley's side, I started to walk with Flag and the remaining members of Task Force X. Out of no where a thick white binder was chucked at a car, barely missing Flag. Floyd walked up and got in his face with determination in his eyes.

"You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gunna go right now."

W-What was going on?

"Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station. So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities, a witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea. And that's how she escaped from Waller.... So now you know."

Not a word was spoken as everyone processed what they'd just heard.

"You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink."

"Hey Deadshot, I need your help."

"No sir, you need a miracle." He replied as he disappeared within the nearby saloon. One by one, every member of Task Force X followed suit. Harley, Captain, El Diablo, Croc, and even Katana. Carefully walking over to Rick, I caught his gaze on a picture of him and another woman.

"You love her, don't you.".

His eyes snapped up to mine with pain, regret, longing, and more.

"I-...I'm sorry but there's not much I can do by myself...."

And with those parting words I disappeared into the saloon as well, leaving Rick alone in the rain.

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