Floyd Lawton/ Deadshot

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It's been a few months since the whole Task Force X situation. A few months since I've been free. Currently, I was living in an apartment that I shared with Floyd in Gotham City. The past couple months had been good on us. Floyd got to see Zoe every week end and sometimes during the week. Thankfully Zoe had taken a shine to me and we instantly hit it off.

Today was a Friday, meaning that Zoe would be staying over later in the night. I wrung my hands together nervously as I stared at the clock in the kitchen. He should be home any minu-

The sound of the front door opening broke me free from my thoughts.


"In the kitchen!"

My nerves grew even more as his footsteps grew near. In a few seconds the love of my life was strolling through the threshold of the kitchen... and went straight to the fridge. Rolling my eyes I leaned up against the counter, my nerves becoming something of history.

"You know if you're hungry all you have to do is ask."

"Nawh it's fine, I was just looking for a beer... What you doing in the kitchen anyways?"

"I'm, uh, I was um, cleaning before Zoe came?"



"Uhhhh yeah, cleaning."

"Well if you were cleaning, then why the fuck are the plates still in the sink."

"I hadn't gotten around to them yet."

"Bullshit! Every single damn time you clean that's the first thing you do, so why is today any different?"

Letting out a sigh I collapsed into one of the wooden dinging chairs at the table, holding my head in my hands. Grasping my hand in his own, Floyd knelt down in front of me with a look of pure worry on his face.

"Hey, what's wrong? You know you can tell me anything right? If it's something I did, please just tell me..."

"N-No! Y-you're fine..."

"Then what is it?..."

At the sound of his heartbroken voice I looked up and met his eyes. Mustering up all the courage I could I spit out the truth quick, like ripping off a band aid.

"I'm pregnant!"

Silence, my nerves appeared once again as he just stared at me.

"Floyd... do something.... Ar-are you mad?"

This seemed to instantly snap him out of his daze as he rose up to his full height, still clutching onto my hands.

"Mad. Mad? We-We're having a kid!" A contagious smile grew on both of our faces as he started jumping through our small apartment, chanting with joy. Running over to me, he scooped me up and gave me a couple spins before setting me down and littering my face with countless kisses.

I laughed as he ran over to the living room and scooped up his phone, typing away rapidly.

"What are yo-"

"Hey ese guess what? I'm having a kid!"

You face palmed as he quickly said good bye and started typing on his phone again.

"Hey Captain guess what? I'm having a kid!.... Well of course it's mine asshat!"

This continued on until all of our friends from Task Force X had been called. Floyd then proceeded to yell at the top of his lungs from our window that I was pregnant, getting a few peoples reactions as they walked by below.

At this moment in time, I couldn't be happier. As I gazed upon my lover, I realized just how much I cared for him. And nothing would ever take this feeling away from me.

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