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"Alright secure the roof. Sweep for shooters so we can bring in our aviation assets."

Rick and his teams quickly cleared the next room, which was considerably smaller than the last, and were sending people to the roof.

Finally... it's almost over! I can go back to Sage and all the people at the asylum. *Sigh* I've missed home... It'll feel good to be back.

I was snapped out of my daze as Rick spun around to us holding up a hand between the gap separating us and him.

"Oh, Wait here. Please. I don't wanna give this dude a heart attack. Okay?"

Without even waiting for our responses he spun around on his heal again and walked away.

"Aw, he's embarrassed of us!"

I glanced at Harley, not knowing if her words held truth or not before my attention was returned to Deadshot.

"Hey Flag, this dude better cure cancer after all this shit.

Once again, we were ignored ag Flag disappeared through a door.


Deadshot strode forward, making his way towards the door that Flag disappeared through.


I stuttered out, jumping forward and grabbing at his right arm. That was the loudest I've ever spoken in front of the team which caused him to instantly stop his advances. The realization of what I did sunk into me.

W-Why did I stop him?

"Y-You... You can't go in there Floyd.... Please stay here, with us..."

He glanced at he with pitiful eyes. Turning around he squatted down slightly to come face to face with me. As he spoke he lightly grabbed my shoulders with his hands, like you'd do to a young child.

"I have to. Don't worry, I'll be back.... Harley! Take Lidia back to wait with the others."

And with that he was gone. His hands being replaced by the guiding ones of Harley who tucked me slightly into our eyes as we walked. I had a bad feeling about something, but I couldn't quite place it. Just as we neared the end of the room, muffled gunfire rang out. I curled even further into Harley's side as tears sprung to my eyes.

Taking notice of this, Harley sat me down by El Diablo on top of these stacks of weird cases. I was worried for Deadshot, anyone could see that. Wringing my hands together, I looked down upon them. A light orange hue in front of me snapped my attention up, and to a different hand. In the palm of this hand was a brightly light flame that was currently dancing around their palm. Soon the flames took form into a little cat that pranced around, whipping it's tail back and forth.

I giggled lightly as I looked over and met the eyes of El Diablo. A hint of joy passed through them as he continued his little show for me. But my joy was once again short lived. The door swung open and relief flooded through me as Deadshot appeared from the doorway, but who was behind him made my blood run cold. My knees started shaking and my eyes grew wide.

"No way."

Harley spoke my thoughts as Amanda Waller appeared from the room as well. Croc growled as him and the rest of my team mates got up and surrounded Waller. Sensing the tension, Rick tried to break it up.

"Let's go home."

But Captain only laughed at him with crazy eyes.

"Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Hmm? Or do you wanna go back to prison?"

"I'm not going back to prison." Halrey added in matter of factly.

"What I'm saying is, we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us."

Katana instantly unsheathed her sword in attempt to shield Amamda, but said woman pushed her back.

"You all made it this far. Don't get high spirited on me and ruin a good thing."

And with that she held up a small little tablet.... Which held our lives. Nothing else was spoken as she strolled past us and to the stairs which led to the roof.

"I like her."

Of course Croc would...

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