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"Lidia... Lidia... C'mon Sugar I don't want ta do this if I don't have to..."


A stinging sensation to my left check caused my eyes to shoot open with tears. Squatting in front of me was an ever-smiling Harley who beamed when she saw I was awake.

"Yay It worked!" She yelled out before skipping off.

Still in shock, I hastily reached up to touch my cheek, but was startled to fide myself sitting perched on someone's knee.... Someone's extremely hard knee to be specific. Looking to my left, my suspicions were confirmed as I came face to face with the notorious Killer Croc.

"W-What happened?.."

"Uh, we don't really know. We looked back and just saw you laying face first on the asphalt."


I sat on Wayne's bent knee for a few more minutes before another figure loomed above me. Katana's what and red mask stood out against her dark eyes; Eyes that held... Worry? Fear? Pain...

"Take these." She spoke quickly, thrusting a handful of red and white pills into my line of vision. I knew better than to object and took three of them out of her awaiting hand like a duck being fed some bread. The first one was the easiest to take and only required a little bit of effort to successfully dry swallow.

The second and third? Yeah not so much. I popped them both in my mouth at the same time, hopping that they'd be easier to take that way. Yeah, I was wrong once again. Back at the asylum I could take around five at a time, but of course I had water there. I coughed and sputtered, trying desperately to make the meds to down along with the rising bile.

Croc gave my back a good hit or two, aiding me while I took my meds. My hacks soon came to and end as I offered him a reassuring smile before carefully standing and making my way over to Rick and Deadshot, who seemed to be in a deep conversation, along with the rest of the gang in tow.

"Body's at the top of that building. We get up there, pull them out of the vault they're hiding in. Helos extract us off the roof... It's miller time."

Rick looked determined before he was interrupted by a curious Deadshot.

"Flag, who's up there?"

"That's none of your concern."

"Do you know who's up there?"


"Is it the president?

"It's not the president."

I giggled slightly at their playful banter, causing multiple heads to turn in my direction.


Quieting down as quickly as I could I looed at Rick timidly. I won't lie, he still kind of scares me. And that remote of death wrapped around his wrist doesn't help.

"I'm... I'm glad your okay..."



I didn't have too long to mull over what had happened before we were on the move again towards our destination.

Our Super Psycho Love (Suicide Squad x OC)Where stories live. Discover now