Waylon Jones/ Killer Croc

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"Waylon! Dinner's ready!"


"Hey! Don't you dare growl at me Mr.!

The thuds of said mans heavy footsteps echoed throughout the house as he descended the stairs. Just as I sat the plate of steaks down on the table, he appeared around the corner in his typical white tank top and black pants.

Giving the table a swift once over, a smile grew on his face as he plopped down into one of the bigger, sturdier chairs. I was just thankful that he'd learned his lesson and stopped throwing himself into our furniture, leaving the pile of broken chairs and sofas in the backyard to slowly diminish.

"How was the game?"

"Grr Fucking lost again-"

"Hey! Language..."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed five out of the six steaks off the plate, dropping three of them on his plate while he kept the other two in each of his hands. Without hesitation he brought one of the steaks up to his mouth and ripped it in half with his sharp teeth and quickly shoving the whole thing in his mouth.

Turning his head to the right, he went to do the same to the one in his right hand but hesitated when he saw me. Quickly swallowing, he sat up straighter in his chair and avoided eye contact. Letting out a light chuckle, I dropped my silverware to my plate with a clatter, successfully gaining his attention as I picked out the last giant chunk of meat before ripping a giant chunk of it off with my teeth.

We both laughed lightly as the juice dribbled down my chin and onto my white shirt.

Our meal continued without interruption and ended with me giving Waylon my steak as I chowed down on the green beans.

"Hey Waylon?"

"Hm?*Munch Munch Munch*"

"You know you should really eat your vegetables."

He paused mid bite and slowly moved his gaze over to me.


"C'Mon babe! It's not healthy to eat just meat all the time."

"Hm Is that so? Cause I beg to differ babe."

He added, flexing his arms a little as he threw the last chunk of meat into his mouth.

Rolling my eyes I finished off the beans with a pout on my face.

~Time Skip To The Next Night~

"Waylon! Dinner's ready!"

Once again his footsteps pounded down the steps. But as he rounded the corner, he froze at the sight in front of him.


"You ready to try ya veggies?"

He said nothing as he continued to stare at the mounds of vegetables piled on top on the table, not a chunk of meat in sight.



Ugh this is gunna be a long night....

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