George "Digger" Harkness/ Captain Boomerang

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"G'day mate!"


"Throw anotha' shrimp on the barbie ay?"

"shut up"

"Ya want some vegemite matie?"

"Matie? What are we, pirates?"

"Don't get ye kickers in a knot!"


"Pip pip cherio!"

"Oy that's it!"


I was abruptly cut off as Digger slammed his palm over my mouth.

"Ah, much bett- Hey! Did you just lick me? That's fucking disgusting!"

I just giggled at him as he released my mouth and desperately tried to wipe my saliva off his hand.

"Oh you think that's funny huh? I'll show y-"

"U-Um... Madam, Sir, please try to keep your voices under control..."

Digger quickly held his tongue as the flight attendant gave us one last forced smile before walking back to the other passengers. But once she disappeared behind the red curtain, Digger was at it again.

"Please try to keep your voices under control!"

He mocked in a high-pitched voice.

"Oy I swear if she yells at me one mor-"


"Aw for crying out-"

The man next to me was quickly silenced as I slapped my hand over his mouth. He shot me a dirty, yet playful look as I gave him one of my own.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking; our flight to Sydney Australia will be landing in about 15 minutes. The current time is 1:28 P.M. and the weather is nice and clear for you folks at 61 degrees fahrenheit.

"I would also like to take this time to once again thank you for choosing free air airlines and we look forwards to seeing you again. Now at this time, I would like to ask all flight attendants to finish up their final checks before preparing to land."

I was practically bouncing out of my seat as I peered out of the window to my left. I couldn't hold still, I was too excited. All my life, well besides for the Task Force X incident, I've been locked away in little ol Kansas. But now look at me! I'm exploring the world with the man I love!

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