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Lidia's POV~

I woke up to the sounds of birds outside the window, slowly I swung my legs over the side of my bed, planting them on the ground. Being here for several years' kind of had its perks. I knew where almost everything was in my room unless it gets moved, so I barley struggled as I stumbled over to the rolling chair by the window and carefully sat down. Waving my hand around a little bit I found the strings to work the shades and slightly struggled to open them; but once I did I let the warmth of the sun wash over me, feeling relief wash over me as well. I don't know how long I sat there until I heard my rooms door swing open and a couple pair of foots steps following. This confused me, usually only one person came into my room at once. I visibly jumped as a hand made contact with my fore arm.

"Hey, hey it's just me." I instantly recognized the calming voice as Mr. Sheppard's. "Big news! Today you'll get to leave the hospital!" At this I began shaking, I didn't want to leave! This was my home! I hadn't hurt anyone in seven years here... I don't want to have to restart everything I've accomplished. "Hey hey hey.. It's okay Lidia, there are some people here that I trust very much that will help you out, okay?"

I slowly nodded, trusting Mr. Sheppard. "Here take my hand; they brought you a wheel chair so it'll be easier for you to move around. I'll help you into it." Clutching his hand, I was led to the wheel chair where I plopped down. "Well Lidia this is where I leave you.. Take care." i felt his hand leave my arm, but I quickly grabbed his hand, pulling him down into a hug which he returned.

"Sage" I whispered.

His hand rubbed my arm a little bit before it disappeared and was replaced minutes later with a female hand; I quickly pulled Sage down into a hug too, feeling my hospital dress getting soaked in tears. Letting a couple tears go, I Sage was pulled away from me as I was wheel away from my home, and into what I could hear moved into something like a helicopter. I was going to miss everyone at the hospital, they didn't treat me like a freak.... They actually treated me like a natural human being. After a long flight I was soon ushered off of the helicopter and into a noisy area.

"MAKE WAY! MENTAL PATIENT COMING THROUGH!" the man pushing me said. I cringed at the things he was saying and hung my head, trying not to cry. I came to a sudden stop and something was stabbed into my neck as I let a few tears go.

Injection successful

I was then pushed a little bit more, the man still yelling until I came to another stop and was roughly yanked out of my chair, making me fall hard onto my knees. There was laughing around me as I was drug by my hair a little farther while I trashed around, trying to free myself. I was then thrown unto the hard ground below and cautiously sat up on my knees as I felt a tear roll down my cheek again.

"Hey freak ready to see the sunlight again?" I felt a hand warp around the back of my head and tug on the tie that kept the blind fold up.

"NO!" I shrieked as the man ripped it off. I instantly closed my eyes, holding the palms of my hands to them bending my head down to my knees. "What's wrong bitch? Scared of the sun?" Once again my head was tugged up by my hair and a weak little whimper slipped out from my lips.

"Enough!" A strong voice echoed through my ears as my hair was let go of, my head instantly slipping back to your lap.

There was a little bit of yelling, but I tuned most of it out, but I snapped back to reality as a hand came into contact with my shoulder. Flinching, I fell back onto my bottom; my hands now behind me bracing myself up but my eyes were still clamped tightly shut.

"Hey, Hey niña, It's alright. I'm not here to hurt you." A voice spoke with a slight Hispanic accent. "My name is Chato Santana, but people call me El Diablo. Are you okay?" I quietly nodded my head yes as his hand left my shoulder. "here, take my hand." Cautiously I sat up and waved my hand around a little bit until a hand grabbed mine hoisting me up onto my feet. "Do you wanna try opening your eyes niña?" I vigorously shook my head no. "Why not?" "P-people get really screwed up when I do." I whispered, moving my face towards the ground. He let out a little snicker "We're all pretty screwed up already niña." I still wasn't sure if I should, they put that blind fold on me for a reason. "Hey, everything will be alright, I promise." He reassured me; with a deep sigh, a wave of emotion come over me, of what emotion I didn't know, but I opened my eyes a tad, allowing the warm sun's rays to blind me. I rubbed my eyes, blinking a couple times until my eyes finally adjusted to the light. I looked up at the sun, letting a small smile spread across my face. I cautiously turned back towards the man that helped me, still avoiding his gaze "Thank you, El Diablo." I smiled again giving him a hug; which to say the least shocked the man until he recovered, hugging me back. "Awwww look how cute they are!" I separated from El Diablo and turned to see a girl with skin bleached white and bleach blonde hair with red and blue tips. She bounced over to me in a matter of seconds holding her hand out; which made me flinch back. "Harley Quinn! Pleasure to meet ya!" I eyed her for hidden motives before lightly taking her hand with my figure tips and shaking it. "Hey Kid." I looked back over to the group behind Harley to see a tall, dark skinned man looking straight into my eyes, causing me to let out a small gasp and to whip my head towards the hard assault under us once again. "How long have you had that thing on?" He slowly spoke gesturing to the blind fold. I peered up at his face again and offered him a small smile "..Too long." He smirked walking over to me "Floyd Lawton... Deadshot." I lightly shook his hand the same way I had shook Harley's. "Lidia Schiavinotto" I spoke in a hushed tone. "Over there we have Digger Harkness aka Captain Boomerang" He gestured towards a man holding a pink unicorn. "Waylon Jones aka Killer Croc" he thrust his thumb at a tall man with scales all over his body. "And over there is slipknot" The last man was obviously Native American and stared me down hard, making me gulp and look at the ground. "Hey Lidia, what's up with your eyes?" Captain Boomerang spoke causing Killer Croc to hit him upside the head. "Hey! What was that for?" "M-My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?" I asked in panic and confusion. "Nohting, I think they're bad-ass" "hehe um... thank you captain" I sheepishly spoke. "Okay listen up! Now that everyone's here I can begin." A man with a name tag that says 'Colonel Flag' stated, instantly grabbing my attention. "That injection you got in your necks? It's a nanite explosive. It's the size of a grain of rice but it's as powerful as a hand grenade. You disobey me? You die. You try to escape? You die. You otherwise irritate or vex me? And guess what, you die!" "I'm known to be quite vexing, just forewarning you." Harley piped up beside me before getting yelled at. "Lady shut up!" Flag took a big sigh before continuing. "Here's the deal. Your goin' somewhere very bad to do somethin' that will get you killed. But until that happens you're my problem." "So was that like uh, uh pep talk?" Deadshot asked. "Yeah, it was a pep talk. There's your shit, grab what you need for a fight, we're wheels up in ten." Deadshot looked back over at Flag, who I've now learned is named Rick "You might wanna work on your team motivation.... Have you heard of Phil Jackson? "Yeah..." "He's like the gold standard." Deadshot started walking by Rick before finishing. "Triangle Bitch, study." I let out a slight smile at his remark before turning back over to Harley who had let out a high pitched squeal, picking up some outfit from her trunk. Looking around, I noticed how everyone else had a trunk too.... Everyone but me... Letting out a sad sigh I walked over to Captain, sitting next to his trunk; he looked up at me before shuffling around in his trunk again. "What's up?" "The sky.." "Ha ha very funny, don't you have a trunk?" (I'm just saying this now, Lidia pretty much always talks in a whisper or hushed tone, I'm sick of writing that over and over again cx) Shaking my head no, I peered into his box. "You think You'll be able to fight like that?" He asked gesturing to my body, looking down I realized that I was still wearing a hospital gown from the asylum. "Ohhhhhh Lidia! You can borrow some of my clothes!" An energetic Harley yelled, grabbing my arm and dragging me over to her trunk. By now the boys we already done and were waiting for Harley and I to finish up. After a couple moments on rummaging around, she whipped out a rather revealing outfit and thrusted it into my arms. "Here! Try this!" I just looked at it, not knowing what to do. A chuckle behind me broke the awkward silence. "Harley, I think the kid prefers cloths a little more eh, different." "Like what?" Harley asked throwing the outfit back into the trunk utterly confused. "Maybe a little less, you know, revealing?" Deadshot replied. "Ohhhhh gotcha... boring it is..." She grumbled, digging even deeper into the huge green trunk until she whipped out a new outfit. "Here it is.... The boring of the boring..." Throwing the outfit at me she started to change in the wide open; everyone was staring at Harley before she caught their gaze. "what?" at that single word everyone got back to work. "Okay Lidia, your turn!" She turned to me with a giant smile on her face. "Umm...." "Come on don't be a big baby." I sighed slipping the tights on under my gown and then the shorts. Next was the top which I slid over my gown and had Harley unbutton for me; leaving me in the tights, shorts, and top. Sitting on Harleys closed trunk I tied the shoes onto my feet; patiently waiting while Harley tied my long hair in a tight bun and applied makeup to my clear face. I slipped on a cat ring and carefully stood up. "Doesn't she look pretty! Oops, time to go!" she sang as she skipped off. One by one everybody started filing by me. Slipkknot. Captain. Diablo. But Deadshot stopped, handing me a black bomber jacket. "Here, it's an old one I thought you could put to good use, well seeing how comfortable you look in Harley's old clothes." "Thanks..." I mummled as I slipped the jacket on which reached to my low mid-thigh area. Deadhsot walked off and I went to follow, taking a step only to remember... I can't walk in freaking heals! I went tumbling towards the ground only to never actually make contact. I opened my eyes to come face to face with the green eyes of Croc himself. "T-thanks...." I stuttered out as he set me back up straight. I got lost in my mind and kept staring at his scales until I realized that he noticed my stare "U-um... may I-I?" I sheepishly asked, gesturing towards his scales. He nodded his head as I gently raked my fingers across his scales, carefully observing them. "Beautiful..." I whispered, barely audible. A sudden blush appeared on my cheeks once I realized what I'd said. "Let's go find the others." His deep voice broke me out of thought as I shook my head up and down quickly. "Here, take my arm, don't want you falling again." I carefully took hold of his arm as he led me to the others; slowly at first but faster as I grew comfortable with my shoes. We both stopped by the group who were standing around Rick. "Hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off? Boomerang spoke to Diablo who didn't respond. "If you like a girl can you light her cigarette with your pinky? Cause that would be real classy." Harley spoke, joining in on the fun. Deadshot soon spoke up. "Y'all might wanna leave the boy alone. He could torch this whole joint. Ain't that right ese?" Diablo finally spoke up "You got nothing to worry about from me. I'm cool homie." It looked like the group was going to say more but was cut off by Rick holding a tablet out to them. "Behold. The voice of God." The screen switched to an African American woman I've never seen before. "For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda Waller." She started in a stern voice looking straight at my eyes, causing me to take a nervous gulp and to tighten my grip on Crocs arm. "There's an active terrorist event in Midway City. I want you to enter the city, rescue HVT-1 and get them to safety." Deadshot waved his arms around grabbing everyone's attention. "I'm sorry but for those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT-1?" Amanda looked over at Floyd "The only person who matters in this city, the one person you can't kill. Complete this mission, you get time off your prison sentence. Fail the mission, you die. Anything happens to Colonel Flag I'll kill every single one of you. Remember I'm watching. I see everything." Rick shut off the tablet and put it in his pocket before continuing. "There's your pep talk" Floyd looks at him "Compared to your shit she killed it." Captain spoke up "That's it? What, we're some kind of, suicide squad?" Rick looks over "I'll notify the next of your kin.... Alpha! Bravo team! Gather up!" He yelled brushing past Deadshot and Captain and walking towards a huge metal helicopter. One by one everyone started walking off towards the big aircraft, Croc and I soon followed in the rear with his help kept to a minimum now for I've become slightly used to the obnoxiously high heels. Walking up the ramp to get in I noticed that there were only 2 seats left. On the right one was by Slipknot and Deadshot and on the left was one by Captain and Harley. I carefully let go of Crocs arm and made my way to the left, towards Harley and Captain and plopped myself down in the chair, happy to be off my feet. Everyone started to buckle themselves into the seats but I was having some trouble to say the least "Having trouble there?" A voice to my left spoke. Nodding I looked over at Captain with pleading eyes. Letting out a sigh he reached over and started to buckle me in. In the process of leaning back to his seat, a tiny pink stuffed animal unicorn fell out of his jacket and on my left leg. With wide eyes he looked at the unicorn that fell in embarrassment. Carefully and quietly I picked up the unicorn and handed it back to him smiling slightly. Putting a finger to my lips I did a shushing motion. "I won't tell anyone..." He gave me a small thankful smile as we all looked back towards the entrance as more soldiers got on. I was so lost in thought I was startled when a cold hand was placed on top of mine. Looking up I was shocked to see Harley's face looking back at me. "Don't be scared hun! We're just gunna kick some serious ass!" she yelled with a smile. How could she not be scared? I was petrified, shaking in fact. I was gunna die out there. I didn't know how to fight.... Hell! I didn't even know how to really work my powers! I was snapped back to reality when an Asian woman hopped on the helicopter before it took off. Rick looked up at the woman "You're late."I was busy" She spoke, her accent rolling off her tongue as she spoke. Rick casted his gaze at the rest of the group clearing his throat. "This is Katana. She's got my back. She could cut all you in half with one sword stroke just like mowing the lawn.... I would advise not gettin' killed by her, her sword traps the souls of it's victims." "Harley Quinn nice to meet ya! Love ya perfume, what is it the stench of death?" Halrey asked sticking her hand out. "Should I kill them?" My eyes widened at Katana's statement, I shrunk into Captains side a little bit further. I was thankful when Rick spoke up. "Whoa, easy cowgirl. Ain't that type of mission, have a seat." Katana walked over and sat by Rick. Harley looked over at me with joy and a mix of something else that resembled excitement in her eyes "She seems nice." A small buzz was heard as Harley quietly pulled a phone out from under her leg. She noticed Deadshot's eyes on her and quietly shushed him. To Be Continued.....

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