03 - Complex

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You were pretty sure that when both you and Jungkook left the claustrophobic closet together people had automatically assumed that you had been playing a game of seven minutes in heaven. Of course, who could blame them?

The whole scenario looked kind of dodgy to anyone who was watching.

Feeling an intense amount of insecurity, you wrapped your arms around yourself as you made your way over to Jimin again; unbeknownst to you the never leaving eyes of Jungkook following your descending figure as you cowered away from him.

The promise you had made literally minutes ago to your new client was still swimming in your mind, it was almost as clear as the time you accidentally saw both of your parents 'at it' one New Year's Eve.

You shivered at the thought.

"Are you okay? You look... I want to say disturbed?" Jimin queried, his gaze flickering between you and Jungkook.

You giggled awkwardly, "Ha, ha, no Jungkook just wanted to make sure I had the right intentions for your wedding."

You glanced nervously back at Jungkook who appeared to be totally relaxed at the whole ordeal.

"You've got yourself a good Best Man, that's for sure." You 'not so' playfully nudged your elbow into your companions ribcage.

He grunted.

"Yeah, yeah," he smiled through gritted teeth, "Gotta make sure I look out for my Hyung."

Jimin's face became more composed at the mention of Jungkook's loyalty, if you weren't being paid as much as you were you might of even felt guilty about it.

"Aww thank you Jungkook, perhaps go a little easy on her next time though." He joked, roughly patting his friends back in amusement.

You turned to share a look of relief with Jungkook before joining the rest of the group.

Just think about the money Y/N, just think about the money...

* *

You didn't know if it had been over an hour or not since you've been sat endlessly staring at your right thigh. Not even the click of your apartment door opening brought you out of whatever trance you had been trapped in.

"How'd it go?" A voice interrupted.

You shifted your head to view the familiar brown tinted hair of your best friend, "What?"

She rolled her eyes at you, "What did you do?"

You crossed your arms defiantly, "How do you know I did anything at all?" You huffed.

She raised her brows at you in unsureness, "Of course you haven't and I also don't look like an overweight potato. Cut the bull Y/N."

Sometimes Rin was like a second mother to you... if your mother could be anymore bossy.

"Fine." You slouched into your seat, "I agreed to help the guy plan his wedding... because another client is paying me to ruin it."

"I'm not even surprised at this point." Her response wasn't the one you were expecting, still it left you feeling disappointed in yourself.

She stalked closer to you, "How exactly are you expecting this to go?"

You shrugged, "How it usually goes when I take on a client, just this time it will be more complex."

"How complex?" Worry is evident in her voice, though you tried not to let it bother you.

"Dye my hair blonde kind of complex." You smirked shyly at her.

Your best friend sighed in exasperation, "Well, I always thought you'd look good as a blonde."

You swirled to face her, "They do have more fun."

Your amusement increased when you noticed the disgust clear in her face, "Why are you so cringey?"

You shrugged once again, "I'm getting in character."

"Of course you are... so when are you dying it?"

"I'm meeting my client tomorrow, he's going to help me pick the right shade." You replied unbothered.

Rin immediately leaned in to stroke your hair, "But I'm going to miss your poop coloured hair."

You quickly shuck off her hand, "Ew get off of me."

She laughed, "You love me really."

"If you want to tell yourself that.."

#Sorry for the short chapter, I thought that this was a good point to end it before writing what I'm planning next... plus I cba#

 plus I cba#

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