19 - Bunny

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You awkwardly shifted your butt on the soft matted carpet of your living-room floor just as Jungkook returned from his bathroom trip, making sure not to waste anytime before he dropped down next to you like a sack of potatoes.

The subtle sounds of the television created background noise that actually helped ease the tension however, you couldn't help the loud sigh from escaping your mouth in utter frustration.

Clearing your throat, you cautiously turned your head in his direction, "I'm bored." You stated.

He also turned to meet your gaze, his doe eyes slightly widening in the process, "Thank fuck, I thought it was just me." He sighed relieved.

You chuckled lightly, "Why didn't you say anything? It was awkward as shit."

He smiled softly, "I thought I was overthinking it, I do that a lot."

You nodded, "Well you did hire me to basically destroy your friends love life when you could of just won her on your own."

He frowned, "When you put it like that, I sound like a total dick."

You tutted at him, "I mean you kind of are. Both of you are. You're supposed to be best friends and yet you both let this Barbie wannabe meddle her way between you both." You shrugged, watching as he anxiously fiddled with the fluff of your carpet.

Your eyes softened as you witnessed a frown burn itself onto his face, "I mean, it's not too late. You can make up with each other, I know you love her but Kate is toxic. If she loved you she wouldn't have made you feel this strongly against Jimin."

Fearing his reaction to be one of anger, you were surprised when instead he raised his head and cutely flashed his bunny teeth at you.

Cute. You thought before mentally slapping yourself.

"I will consider it." He tilted his head like a lost puppy.

Not being able to help yourself you lunged for his cheeks, squishing them harshly in between your hands, "Aww look at little bunny being all grown up." You ushered jokingly.

His face heated between your fingers as he pushed you away, "Don't ever call me that."

You laughed him off, "Whatever." You rolled your eyes just as an idea popped into your brain, "Hey, I've got a cupcake mix in my kitchen somewhere. How about we do that instead?"

He eyed you cautiously before rubbing his sore cheeks, "Only if you let me decorate them afterwards." He demanded in a pout.

"Okay bunny." You mocked as you quickly darted towards the kitchen to escape his oncoming attack.

*   *

"It's says two eggs, luckily I literally only have two eggs." You deadpanned as you not-so carefully cracked one of the eggs against the glass bowl.

Jungkook groaned at you from behind, "You dumbass, now you've got some of the shell into the mix."

You scowled down at your half finished mixture in defeat, "I'm sorry, I'm not good at cooking." You stated sadly.

Suddenly he pulled your body aside, causing you to stumble backwards as he carefully fished out the sharp pieces, "Just because one thing went wrong doesn't mean you're bad at it." He huffed in annoyance.

You felt the warm feeling return in your chest at his words, "Thank you for staying and doing this." You muttered, feeling all of a sudden shy.

He shrugged, "I used to cook all the time with Jin, I actually miss it." A hint of a smile graced his lips as he quickly beckoned you to come closer.

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