22 - Hurt

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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes I've missed.

The sound of your phone ringing acted like a daily reminder of how many hours you had spent cooped up in your one bedroom apartment, stuffing your face with Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.

Like all the times before, you ignored the annoying high pitched tune as you obnoxiously turned the volume of your TV up.

"When the female Baboon feels threatened, only then will she make this terrifying sound..." David Attenborough spoke calmly, tapping his ear as he waited for the sound to air through the forest.

Intrigued, you shifted forward on your chair causing a couple of forgotten Doritos to slip their way to your cleavage, now tinting the skin a sunset orange.

However, you were more bothered by the fact that you still couldn't hear the sound.

Frowning, you turned the slender machine up even more.

"Fucking hell!" A voice suddenly screeched from behind you, resulting in you flinging your ice-cream in the air.

"Ahhh and they're it is." David finished, a proud grin etched upon his pixelated face.

You quickly shut the TV off before turning to the voice.

Rin observed you in disgust, "Have you even showered?" She scolded, sniffing her own hair to disguise the foul smell imitating from your laying corpse.

Hesitantly you smelt your own hair before gagging, "That would be a no." You wheezed.

"Why aren't you answering my calls? I haven't seen you this bad since your last mental breakdown." She recalled, circling the area.

You rolled your eyes, "That was not a mental breakdown."

Rin threw you an unamused look, "You threatened to shave your head like Brittney." She deadpanned as you dismissed her.

She froze when her eyes lingered on the nest on your head, "But maybe that actually wouldn't be a bad idea this time around, I think something is living in there." She recoiled.

You threw a pillow at her which she dodged with ease, "Hey, don't throw things at me. I could catch a disease in here if I'm not careful." She shuddered.

"The only disease you seem to catch is the 'I'm an Annoying Person' disease." You muttered under your breath, however Rin had still managed to hear it.

She huffed at you before descending into the dark unknown - your bedroom.

After several seconds you started to become worried, "Rin? You're not buried alive in there are you?" You called.

The next thing you saw was a fresh white towel hurtling towards your head.

You screamed as it covered your eyes.

"Have a shower. Then we need to have a serious talk young lady." Rin seethed, grabbing your form and pushing you towards your bathroom.

You stumbled through the doors before they slammed shut in your face, "You seriously are my second Mother." You muttered in bewilderment.

* *

Snuggling up in your clean cottoned gown, you eyed your friend in caution as she paced about.

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