08 - Bacon

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#Yo the Teaser finally dropped whoop whoop#

You weren't sure if it was the lack of caffeine coursing through your blood stream that caused your throbbing headache or the fact that there was a strange man sleeping in your bed instead of you.

Pushing your crooked body from the seat you had spent the entire night tossing and turning on, you made a satisfied grunt when the cracking of your stiff bones fluttered through the air.

You watched impatiently as Jungkook stirred in his deep sleep, causing his snoring to halt momentarily before continuing once again even louder.

"Would you please shut the fuck up? You sound like a damn titanosaurus." You sneered at him.

His eyes fluttered, "Hmm...I smell bacon."

Huffing as you helplessly observed the grown man fall back to sleep, you walked over to your drawer to find him some clothes. You paused in your actions however, when the familiar rectangular photo frame was laid on top of your belongings acting almost like a barrier.

It had been years since you last saw it, and yet you remembered everything about it.

The smile on your face, the arm around your shoulder... and the ring on your finger.

You consciously rubbed at the area on your hand before snapping yourself back to reality, "Huh, I smell bacon too." You sniffed the sweet aroma that appeared to be coming from behind your door.

Shrugging, you shoved the picture back into its draw and grabbed the extra large hoodie hidden underneath it.

You wouldn't be needing this anymore. You thought humorously.

In fact you wouldn't be needing any of his clothes anymore.

Making a side note later on to throw them out, you tossed the clothes at Jungkook's face making him jump awake.

"I won't hesitate to eat all of your breakfast as well as mine." You chirped before slamming the door to your bedroom shut.

* *

Greeting your parents was a regular task to do, although it made it 99.9% more awkward doing so knowing you had shared your room with a 'male friend' last night.

You coughed to make them aware of your presence as you hopped down the last step of your stairs.

Your father raised his brow at you in curiosity, like you were suddenly more interesting than whatever he was once reading just moments ago.

"Sleep well dear?" You mother decided to ask.

You nodded your head, "As well as I could."

You immediately regretted the words that left your mouth, as the now smug smile took over your mother's features.

You rolled your eyes, "I didn't mean it like that."

Your father hummed, "Next time can you keep it down, I had trouble sleeping because of you."

You glared at him, "But we didn't do anything? How could we keep you up?"

Just then you noticed him straightening out his newspaper to read again, "It sounded as if a monster was living in your room the entire night."

You swallowed your laughter, "Oh, that was just Jungkook snoring."

"How do you explain the creaking then?" Your mother questioned, sliding the plate full of bacon and eggs your way.

Creaking? What-

"That was because I slept on the couch and it was uncomfortable!" You exclaimed trying to get the dirty images out of your parents minds.

No wonder you were so corrupted.

Your father hummed once again, "Sure Y/N. Sure."

What?! But-

Luckily Jungkook decided to join you all before you could argue even more about last nights escapades.

You glowered at him as he sat down next to you, obviously unknowing of the conversation about the both you seconds before.

He grinned awkwardly at your mother and father who seemed to be ignoring him, "Morning Mr and Mrs Y/L/N."

Unsurprisingly, your father hummed his response.

Jungkook gave you a confused look as you shoved another piece of bacon inside of your mouth, "If I were you I'd check there's no poison inside of your breakfast before eating it." You whispered the piece of advice, causing Jungkook's eyebrows to raise in fear.

You chuckled.

#Ya it's a bit of a boring chapter and the next one might be as well but every chapter can't be exciting or else everything would happen too fast and I don't want that, so sorry if this was a bit of a disappointment lololol.

I'm actually in France atm so I'm trying to get over this writers block that I have since I have the extra time to write, so please pray for me 😫 #

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