09 - Thinking

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#Important A/N at the end#

Luckily for you Jungkook had left your house earlier than you had expected him to.

Perhaps now that you thought about it, it might of been the awful stares your mother and father were sending his way that made him want to leave...

You shrugged, it was better for you anyway now that he was gone because for once in your lazy life you actually had plans.

"So I didn't see you at my parents last night..." You ventured, still slightly ticked off about the fact your best friend didn't help you.

Rin sighed a little too dramatically as she plucked out a pair of sunglasses from the shop stand, "I cant come every time, plus I had a date."

"YOU HAD A WHA-" You began to scream, before Rin blocked any sound leaving your mouth with her spare hand.

"Will you shut up? Its not that big of a deal." You watched in confusion as she tried the glasses on before admiring herself in the tiny mirror provided.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You pouted, "Also, what happened to us both dying alone together?"

She glanced at you with a raised brow, "Honey, I'm too gorgeous to die alone."

You rolled your eyes, "What's his name?"

Rin pondered for a second before putting the sunglasses back, "I'm not sure, but I did call him Sunshine if that helps you?"

"What do you mean you're not sure? Who doesn't remember the name of the person they had a date with?" You asked, now following her around the shop like a puppy.

"Date? I'm not sure if you could class it as one now that I think about it a bit more..."

Your brows furrowed, "You didn't have a one nightstand did you?" You laughed afterwards only to freeze when you noticed the guilty look on your friends face.

"OH MY G-" Again, the familiar taste of Rins hand washed around your mouth.

"Shut up." She warned.

"You're such a HOE." You suddenly yelled before running away laughing.

"Jesus help me." You heard her mutter.

* *

After a full day of shopping you and Rin parted ways, leaving you to return to your lonesome apartment.

It was normal for you to be only accompanied with yourself because at one point in your life thats all you had. Now, you had grown comfortable with the idea.

Picking out a DVD to watch, you wrapped yourself in your thick blanket and curled yourself into the tiniest ball you could.

Thinking back on it now you had never imagined yourself to be in the position you were in, after all potentially ruining peoples lives for the sake of money was something you never thought you'd do, but you liked the slight feeling of wholeness that money gave you, where a person could not.

You were pretty much accustomed to having rarely any guilt whenever you took away someone's happiness, in fact in your slightly disturbed mind you believed you were helping them realise something about their partners personalities before it was too late.

You knew the harsh truth in the world and that was that true undeniable love never existed.

It's a fantasy of the human mind... a fantasy that you were once obsessed with.

Having a love for money wasn't a crime, having a love for someone who doesn't deserve it was.

This was why you never got involved with your clients afterwards because there had been multiple occasions where they had also "fallen" in love with you.

Thats why you were so nervous when you saw Mark again, as he had the same eyes you once had for someone else.

All you could do was hope he would go away and you wouldn't have to see him again.

But sometimes hope was a lost cause.

Pressing play on your favourite movie, you put away your depressing feelings and smiled a little.

Tomorrow you would go back to work again and play pretend, but for now you were just Y/N.

#First of all WHAT THE F?CK.

Thank you all so so so much for helping me reach 1k, I've never reached this high of reads before and even though to some it might not look like much I truly appreciate all of you who read my book

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Thank you all so so so much for helping me reach 1k, I've never reached this high of reads before and even though to some it might not look like much I truly appreciate all of you who read my book. Even if you don't vote or comment just knowing that people come back to read this is honestly worth it to me when I write SO THANK YOUUUUUUUUUUU 💖💖💖#

#Also to say thank you, I wrote a double chapter though I actually wasn't going to post anything at all until this new update sorted itself out but I think I might be waiting forever for that to happen... ok I'll shut up now#

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