01 - Frog's Ass

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"Hello, I'm Y/N your personal Wedding Destroyer." You spoke softly into the headset, the slurp from your coffee echoing through the line just moments after.

You quickly searched for a pen and paper through the ruckus of stacked past assignments you've undertaken, a sense of victory entering your veins as you catch sight of the familiar metallic object.


"How can I assist you today?" You finished, a slight sigh exiting your lips as you repeated the same words for the third time today.

"It's Jungkook," you paused as you recognised the masculine voice replying to your earlier question, "I have another job for you."

Your pen halted from moving more onto your page, causing it to create a circle of ink where you would of continued to write.

"This is the second time in three months that you've rung Jungkook." You scowled at the phone in confusion, "I'm starting to think you have an unhealthy obsession with breaking couples."

He laughed, although it did nothing to unease you, "No, I just have a lot of friends who need to know how much of a douche their future husbands are."

You rolled your eyes, "Your answer isn't satisfactory for me, I'm afraid I'm going to have to decline your request... for your own sake."

"Are you being serious right now?" He scoffed.

Your eyes widened at his sudden change in tone, "I'm being 100% serious Jungkook, take some time for yourself, stop worrying about others and don't ring here again." You said before ending the call.

You had never met Jungkook in person before... but you didn't need to see crazy to know when someone is.

You shuck your head as you glanced at your digital watch, "Bitch, shit, FUCK I'm late!"

Chucking your half finished coffee in the bin near your office door, you run out of the company building with little regard for your own safety.

*  *

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I was dealing with a crazy ex-client of mine." You apologised profusely, bowing to your elders as they stood to greet you.

"I know you're very busy, you don't need to apologise." Your mother soothed, patting your extremely tense shoulders with her hand.

Your father nodded his head in agreement, it was only then that you realised the other person standing next to him, "This is my co-worker Park Jimin, he's getting married and I suggested you to help him plan it."

Your fathers smile irked you, knowing all too well that you'd have to secretly explain to the young gentleman later on that you're not the wedding planner your parents think you are.

You smiled timidly in response, "Well I'm actually pretty booked up right now." You forced out, only to earn a glare from your mother.

"But I'm sure I can make room." You said instead, causing your mothers grin to return.

The clapping of your fathers hands brought you out of your panicked thoughts, "Shall we sit then?"

Both you and Jimin pulled out your chairs only to meet eyes.

I'll talk to you later.

You said determinedly within your head, of course all everyone else can see is you looking extremely constipated.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" Your mother asked worriedly.

Coughing awkwardly, both you and Jimin remove gazes.

"Yeah." You smiled again.

If your job taught you anything, it was how to act.

Pretending you weren't totally having a panic attack wasn't exactly a hard thing, however you still had to come up with a solution to the problem sitting exactly opposite to you.

"Excuse me while I go to the restroom." Jimin suddenly said, relighting your fire of hope.

Without thinking you slammed your hand down onto the table, causing everyone's attention to focus on you, "I'll come with you."

Stopping you from moving any further, you felt a hand tugging you to sit back down, it was your mother's, "Honey, he's going to a men's restroom."

Mission failed.

Laughing uncomfortably, you reluctantly returned to your chair, "Of course, silly me."

Slowly people went back to chatting and eating, leaving you to watch as Jimin strutted away from your sight.

You huffed in annoyance.

"You're acting really weird today," your father commented whilst chewing on his steak, "if you're going to help out, you're going to have to get over this little crush you have on him."

Your eyes widened, "Pardon?"

*  *

After not succeeding in getting time alone with your 'new client' you're left feeling drained.

Drawing yourself a hot bath in your one bedroom apartment, you stripped yourself from your clothes and pressed your best friends number into your phone.

Maybe she could shine light on the situation where you couldn't.

"Whatsup' biatch?"

You smirked instantaneously at the sound of her voice, "Hi to you too."

She chuckled, "You sound stressed."

Of course she would notice, it was hard to get anything past Rin.

You sighed, "I am. You're wish came true, I'm now a wedding planner."

You heard a little gasp at the other end of the line, "What? You mean your not destroying lives anymore?"

You shuck your head even though you knew she couldn't see you, "No, I got myself into a sticky situation and now my parents are forcing me to plan this guys wedding."

"Why are you ringing me then? Surely he gave you his details, ring him and arrange a meeting and then you can tell him the truth."

You thought for a moment, a grin then tugging at the corners of your mouth, "That's actually an amazing idea!"

You could feel her smugness through the phone, "That's because I'm brilliant unlike you."

You rolled your eyes, "Oh go eat a frog's ass!"

"I already did when I went to France, they gave me it by accident... it actually wasn't that bad."

Your face recoiled in disgust, "Stop talking, please."

She laughed, "K bye, good luck!"

"Thank you." You also laughed before ending the call.

Problem solved.

The Wedding Destroyer (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now