06 - Professional Predator

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Jimin's eyes couldn't get any wider.

You drew your body that was slightly pressed against him away, then sauntered towards the row of sinks.

"Your fiancé seems interesting..." you considered, though the only response you managed to get from him was a low hum.

"I have to ask, for the safety of my job..." you paused as you trod over to him again, "Do you keep any secrets from each other?"

You didn't hesitate to press the now slightly wet paper towel onto his stained trousers, like before his breath hitched at the action.

You smiled satisfied.

"W-we try not to." He stuttered, now realising how close you were to him.

You shrugged, "That's understandable, but secrets do keep things more interesting." You bubbled a laugh, "Interesting. I guess I like to use that word a lot huh?"

You knelt down, giving yourself a better view at the pink circle you were 'trying' to erase.

Jimin chocked as he watched you lower yourself, "This is honestly not necessary, I can manage it on my own."

"But it's always better to have a helping hand with these kind of things, don't you think?" You winked.

You closed in, almost like a shark would do its prey -and in a way Jimin was your prey- but of course something had to interrupt you.

"Honey, are you ok in there? You've been awhile." Kate's muffled voice called from behind the door you were currently forcing Jimin into.

You rolled your eyes at her horrible timing just as Jimin started to freak out.

"Y-yeah! I'm coming out now!" He yelled back, fumbling with his hand to find the lock to escape.

"It's fine you don't have to-" you didn't get to finish.

Jimin managed to unlock the door, causing you to slip on the paper towel which you had dropped earlier as his body backed out of the enclosed space.

You cursed internally as your head swung at an impossibly fast rate straight into Jimin's crotch.

He however, did curse aloud.

"SHIT!" You observed in awe as everyone rushed to his side as he hobbled over to the table to sit back down.

You quickly shut the door to the bathroom again just before you caught Jungkook's 'WTF?' look he was giving you.

You blinked, "What just happened?"

* *

"Miss Y/L/N, your 9:00am appointment is here."

You frowned at the announcement, "I haven't got a 9:00am app-"

"So are you going to tell me what the fuck you did to him?" Jungkook barged past your secretary, an amusingly serious expression plastered onto his face.

You raised your brow, "Ew, its you again."

He scowled at you, "Don't avoid the question."

"I'm not, I'm just stating my feelings about you being here." You shrugged, "And to answer your question, I'd rather not talk about it."

"Well since I'm paying you, I suggest you do talk about it." He nonchalantly 'plopped' down onto your green beanbag chair.

"I head butted him by accident in his chilli pepper." You forced out.

"Way to win a guy over Y/N." he mocked.

His sniggers didn't take much to inspire your inner serial killer.

"Want me to show you how I did it? I will gladly reenact it all for you." You sneered.

"Maybe you should... I'm starting to reconsider hiring you." You regarded Jungkook with curiosity as he continued to pick at his nails, "I think you need training if this is going to work properly."

"Training?" You spat disgusted, "I don't need training, do you know how many weddings I've successfully destroyed?"

He nodded, "Yes, but I think you have forgotten what a real relationship feels like."

Your voice lodged in your throat at his revelation.

It was true, you only knew the basics of a relationship since you never had to actually participate in the activities involved in one. You pretty much kept it at kissing and groping when taking on a case and so far that was all you needed... perhaps he was right.

"What are you suggesting?" You grumbled.

"A date." He smirked at you, "With me."

"What?!" You tensed.

"I'll show you how to be in a relationship for one evening to help you." He tried to reason with you.

You moved away, "I think I'll pass."

"Its just one date, it's not like it changes our obvious disgust for each other." He leaned forward.

You regarded him uneasily, "But that means I have to endure your company for a whole night."

"A whole night? Now I can see what your really afraid of happening." He gleamed, "Don't worry I don't do those kind of things on a first date."

Before you could roll your eyes at him, your phone rang.

You quickly reached for it in frustration, "Hello I'm Y/N your personal Wedding Destroyer."

Your face immediately paled, "Mother? No of course that was a joke."

You swatted your shoe in Jungkooks direction when you noticed he had started to laugh at you again, "Yeah, don't worry I'll be ready for five." You sighed as you focussed on the phone call again, "Love you bye."

You eyed him evilly as you hung up.

"So is that a yes?" He repeated.

Aish this boy is actually crazy...

#I really don't know what I'm doing with my life rn#

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