04 - Barbie

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"Are you sure this is the right colour blonde?" You asked, "I don't want to look like a giant peach if I don't have to."

The stylist chafed at your question, his selection of perfectly primed locks of hair now starting to collect specs of dust due to your indecisiveness.

Jungkook pointed to another choice further down, "Okay, fine this one."

"Yeah, I'm okay with that one." You jerked your head.

The stylist clapped his hands in excitement, "Finally."

You scowled at him, "Don't rush a girl when it involves her hair."

He ignored you.

* *

Getting your hair dyed was as fun as watching a dentist probe someone's teeth for two hours, still you managed to pass some of the time by imagining yourself with your new hair colour.

You usually went through these kind of processes whenever you took on a big case, normally you would have to seduce the future groom and break up the wedding. To do this you would have to get into character... and to do that you needed information from someone close to him.

"So tell me Jungkook... does Jimin like hyper people?" You decided to start your interrogation.

You heard a low hum, "No but he also doesn't like boring people, he kind of likes the mystery of a woman."

You nodded, "Right and does he always go for blondes?"

"Not all the time." He answered simply.

You frowned, "Then why did I have to get my hair dyed?"

"I thought you'd look more attractive with it."

You paused unknowing whether to take what he said as a compliment or as an insult.

Deciding it would be best to move on, you continued, "Easy to get or not easy to get?"

He coughed, "Erm, not easy to get."

"Glad he at least has some class," you mumbled to yourself, "Do you think he likes stylish women or nerdy women or nerdy-stylish women..." You had always hated categorising women into different types but for men it always worked out that way, so you kept your personal opinions out of it for your careers sake.

You waited for his reply.

"Stylish but not e-girl stylish." You could hear him pondering.

"Ok I got it." You perked.

"Wait, that's all you needed?!" He exclaimed.

"Jungkook, I've being doing this for years. I don't need a lot to be successful." If you could of flipped your moose coated hair right then you would of.

"Why don't you just go for a two hour coffee or something... this is probably going to take awhile." You found yourself suggesting, though it didn't take much of an argument for Jungkook to agree with you.

"Good idea, ring me when you're done." Was all he said before you recognised the chime of the shop door closing.

You sighed in relief.

*  *

~ Three Hour's Later ~

"I knew it would suit you." Was the first comment Jungkook made about your new hair, you however, felt more like a barbie doll than a human... and the feeling was only going to worsen.

"I think this is the first time I've actually been excited about shopping." He mumbled lowly.

You turned to him in amusement as he realised what he had just admitted to you.

He pouted, "You know what I meant."

"Do I?" You mocked, increasing your speed so that you were a few steps ahead of him.

Silence entangled you both as you adventured further into the shopping centre.

"I meant to ask you earlier," he approached nervously as you continued to ignore him, "What caused you to get into this career?"

You froze.

"I don't discuss that with my clients." You spat before changing your course of direction to another shop.

He held up his hands in surrender, "Noted."

Before either of you could broach another sensitive subject, your phone rang.

"Mr Park?" You clarified extra loudly so that Jungkook could hear, "Yes of course I can meet you in two hours, how about the same café as yesterday?"

You watched as Jungkook quickly leaned in to hear the conversation better, his eyes widened.

"Yep... Actually so you're not alone I'm sure I could ring Jungkook to come over earlier?" You asked politely.

"Ok, cool I'll tell him now then. Bye." You hung up, forcing your mobile back into your pocket.

You gaped at Jungkook in concern, "I'm so not going to be ready in two hours."

"What do you need me to do?" He demanded in determination.

You narrowed your eyes at him before running to find clothes, "Stall him."

The Wedding Destroyer (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now