29 - Euphoria

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A/N: Sorry for any mistakes.

~ Recap ~

"What are you waiting for?" You asked yourself, not noticing you had said it out loud until Jungkook's jaw clenched.

His hand quickly trailed up to the crook of your neck and then towards your mouth where he tugged at your skin with his thumb to prevent you from biting your lip anymore.

You hadn't even realised you were doing it until he interrupted, but it was obvious it was affecting him more than you knew.

Knowing you wouldn't admit it out loud if asked, you realised you liked that you had that kind of effect on him.

Unsure if it was the wine from earlier or your low self control when it came to Jungkook but this time...

This time you couldn't pull yourself away as you watched him lean in.

~ End ~

You wanted to look around to see if this was all a ploy but as cliche as it sounded, you couldn't force yourself to look away. You only hoped that for once, just this time... This was as real as it felt.

"Excuse me." Feeling a hard force push into you, you turned to catch a glimpse of fiery red hair as you stumbled forward.

As if on instinct you went to grab something to stable yourself, resulting in catching Jungkooks gaze as you latched onto his arms for support. Immediately, you noticed how his mood had shifted. It was as if a button had been pressed inside his head and you quietly observed how those longing looks of lust that were only moments ago in those doe eyes of his left with no traces.

Disappointment flooded your body and you quickly pulled away, "Excuse me." You repeated the same words that caused your division, not giving him the chance to react as you fled the area to find the ladies toilets.

Forcing yourself through to an unusually empty bathroom, your eyes glazed over your formally dressed figure in the reflection of the mirrored wall facing the door. A cold chill hit your skin as you stepped further into the room, leaning against its tiled walls to stabilise yourself as your mind raced with words.

Tiredness washed over you at the thought of trying to fight back your feelings yet again but watching yourself now and remembering how you felt just moments ago, you knew you had no other choice.

Confusion puzzled your thoughts at what just happened. You were sure he felt something too, but if that was true then how did his feelings change so quickly? Was he playing you?

The only way this would ever go away is by finishing the job and never speaking to the man again. Just thinking about it made your heart sink, but the disappointment you felt now seemed almost unbearable.

This couldn't go on anymore, it was all too much.

You knew what you had to do.

Not even flinching as you felt the heat of the dance floor hit your skin again, your eyes scanned the crowd before landing on him.

Legs now walking on their own, you moved towards his direction before stopping directly behind him.

Somehow feeling your presence, he turned.

This time you didn't hold back.

"Jungkook," you shouted over the music before he could say anything to you, "I like you."

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