16 - We Meet Again

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A/N: I'm SO SO SORRY for making you all wait so long, it's just that my final major project for my course which predicts my final grade is due soon so I've been trying to focus on that atm. I truly appreciate all of your patience and again I'm so thankful for all of the support you've shown me 💜 so saying that here's a longer chapter to make up for my absence, please excuse any mistakes you see as I wrote this at 2am because I didn't want you to wait anymore plus I felt super guilty... so yeah my minds a little crazy atm since I'm tired lmao 💜

Forcefully scraping back the stray strands of loose locks escaping from your newly done hair, a low hum formulated in the back of your throat as you appreciated how good you looked.

It took several hours, but for once you actually dressed more for yourself rather than what others wanted you to dress like - only proving you were straying further away from your strict list of rules.

You somehow ignored the annoying nagging in your head that was practically screaming at you for not wearing the slutty black dress that you were originally going to wear and instead wore a simple slim fitted red dress that made people focus on your face and not your breasts.

For a moment you actually felt proud of how far you had come.

Not only was the dress more you, your hair was also gently fading into a golden blonde.

You felt unique... for once.

A loud rap at the door diverted your attention momentarily as Rin excitedly stuck her head between the gap of your bedroom door, "I think Prince Charming is here for you, do you want me to answer it or?"

You quickly shook your head, dismissing her next few words, "No, it's okay. I'll do it."

You causally strolled towards the door before brushing your hand against the handle, however you didn't open it.

What if he doesn't like it? Will he be mad I chose this dress instead of the others?

Shitballs, I didn't think this through.

Another loud bang echoed from behind the door, bringing you out of your state of panic.

Fuck it.

Your grip tightened on the metal bar before you swung the wooden block open, revealing a suited Jeon Jungkook.

Your voice lodged in your throat as you took him in.

Subconsciously, your eyes wandered on their own as you secretly checked him out, taking a mental note on how good he truly looked in a tux. However, you stopped yourself when you realised he also hadn't spoken a single word to you since you opened the door.

You frowned.

"You don't like it." You sighed frustrated, "I just wanted to dress more appropriately for once, but it's okay I can chan-"

"No!" Jungkook suddenly yelled, causing you to look at him weirdly, "It's perfect."

You could feel your cheeks heating up at his compliment, "Oh... Really?"

He coughed awkwardly before avoiding your gaze, "Yeah, I mean it looks perfect for tonight's party. It's more professional which is good considering you're the Wedding Planner."

The Wedding Destroyer (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now