17 - Just Dance

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You would be lying if you didn't admit that you looked like a depressed loner right now.

Your body was propped up against the side of the bar as you shamelessly admired the masses of couples bombarding the dance floor.

Everything was going to plan.

People seemed to be enjoying themselves at least, although in a way that made you feel even more like shit considering you weren't.

"Miss, would you like to try a quiche?" You eyed the incredibly large platter full of finger foods in sudden interest.

Food would make me feel better...

It didn't take much of a mental battle for you to nod your head, "Sure, thank you." You replied as you stole the whole metal plate.

The waiter was taken aback, however you ignored him and started digging in.

"Miss I-" he began, but you halted his next sentence with a simple glare.

Not willing to risk his own life just over some comfort food, he soon left you alone to eat.

The worst part of all this was that no one had even approached you to see how you were doing or if you even wanted to dance.

Were you not pretty enough for someone to notice you?

You huffed in defeat and forced another quiche into your already full mouth.

Jungkook had yet to even glance in your direction since he happily waltzed away with Regina George part 2, although in a way that was probably for the best considering you looked like a madman who hasn't eaten in days.

"Hey, maybe you should slow down on the quiche?" Taehyung suggested as he carefully stalked over to you.

You warily watched him as he pulled up a chair next to you, "Why?" You said, trying to swallow some of the food.

He disgustedly removed the unbitten quiche from your grasp and pushed the plate aside, "Well you do know they have alcohol in them, right?"

You immediately spat out the remainder of your food, "What?! Since when do they put alcohol in quiche?!"

Taehyung chuckled in amusement, "Its fine, it's only a small amount it shouldn't effect you too much. How many have you had?"

You thought about it before answering, "If I had to guess... probably twenty."

His eyebrows rose, "Twenty?!"

You guiltily shrugged, "They were small..."

"Well damn Y/N, you should definitely start preparing yourself for the hangover you're going to receive tomorrow." He whistled lowly.

"I can't feel anything happening at the moment, maybe I will be okay?" You laughed nervously.

~ Ten Minutes Later ~

"THE LAST ONE TO THE DANCE FLOOR HAS NO JAMS!" you screamed at the top of your lungs as you drunkenly swaggered to the dance floor.

Taehyung reached out to stop you but you were too fast, "Y/N slow down!"

You stuck your tongue out at him, "You're just jealous because I beat you."

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