07 - Date Night

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#Here's an extra long chapter since I've not updated in awhile ^_^ #

"When I said date, I meant a fancy restaurant or maybe the cinema... not meeting your parents." Jungkook grimaced.

"Well it won't just be my parents, they'll be a whole house full of couples there too. What a better place to learn how couples act?" You declared with extra enthusiasm.

In reality you were only agreeing to go on a 'date' with Jungkook because you were dreading going to your parents party. You had known in advance about it, in fact they had one every year and like every year they always seemed to judge you for going to it alone... unlike everyone else who would attend.

Of course Jungkook didn't need to know about that though.

With a groan from Jungkook, you pushed both of your bodies inside the house.

"Ahhh Y/N," you immediately recognised your mother's voice, "you made it!"

Not giving you enough time to reply, she pulled you into a tight hug.

"Oh and you brought a friend..." you cringed at how her voice increased in decibels when she saw him, "I'm Mira, Y/N's mother and you are?"

With an awkward cough, Jungkook stepped forward, "I'm Jungkook, it's nice to meet you."

You could practically see the heart emojis in your mother's eyes, "Aren't you lovely?! Please make yourself at home, any friend of Y/N's is welcome."

He smiled, "Thank you, you're so kind."

You should see her when she's mad.

Eventually, your mother had other guests to attend to and decided to leave the both of you alone... well for now at least.

You released the breath you didn't realise you were holding, noticing this Jungkook eyed you carefully, "Nervous are we?"

You glared at him, "Of course not."

He hummed slightly in suspicion as he started to move to go into the living room full of other people, "Now I'm intrigued."

You crossed your arms defiantly, "I'm not nervous!"

Why didn't he believe you... he's not that observant is he?

You guessed you'd only find out later on anyways, but for now you focussed on staying invisible - though that is hard when you have an extremely attractive man clung to your arm.

Descending further into the crowd of slightly tipsy couples seemed a much easier task to do when all you had to do was flick the people in your way for them to lose their balance and fall over.

You crossed your brows in amazement at how much people had already drank... you were pretty sure the party had only started an hour ago and yet the potent smell of alcohol lingered strongly in the air of your parents home.

Though your parents enjoyed a good glass of Red Chardonnay, you however preferred to stay away from those kind of drinks.

Grabbing an unopened can of Fanta from the side as you walked by, you held the slightly cold metal to your mouth just as a couple of familiar voices called out to you stopping you in your tracks.

The Wedding Destroyer (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now