10 - Drunk

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#Jungkook doesn't have any tattoos in this book BUT DAMN BOI THIS PHOTO HAS ME DEAD#

You had already arranged to meet up with Jimin for some wine tasting. It wasn't something wedding planners usually had to do, you however thought that it would be a good opportunity to get closer with your 'client'.

Pulling up to the petite looking building that was nearly as identical to the image google had provided you with, you started your search at finding the young attractive man.

"Jimin!" You yelled, causing the grey haired stud to turn and give you his most polite smile.

You eventually dodged tripping over the cobbled floor surrounding the shop and pulled him into a hug.

After an awkward few seconds he gently pushed you away, "So why isn't Kate coming again?"

Your grin tightened, "I sent her flower shopping, you know for her dress... I prefer these types of jobs then those, after all I am an expert at alcohol."


He laughed, "J-hope is like that, though I do admit he's not one for holding his drink... to be honest I have a lot of friends like that."

You nodded as you both entered the building together.

It's bell above the door rang loudly to signal its new customers as you continued to walk, "J-hope?" You recalled, trying to pinpoint where you had heard his name.

"One of my groomsmen." Jimin helped, as you widened your eyes.

"Ah, yes of course." You mentally made a note to start remembering names.

You did give yourself a bit of slack considering when you met the guy you hadn't planned on staying his wedding planner, but now it was getting serious and you didn't want to look unprofessional.

Maybe Jungkook could help you remember who was who later on? You pondered to yourself.

"So what do you want to try first?" You declared, eyeing the huge range of wines already prepared for your tasting session.

For the first time you saw Jimin's eyes light up, "Oh wow."

*  *

Two hours.

Two hours of forcing yourself to be extra friendly to Jimin.

You were just about ready to snap at him when he refused your hand away from his for the fifth time but you managed to calm yourself.

You had pretty much discussed everything you needed to and at one point you both even talked about some really deep stuff... of course yours was only a lie but Jimin didn't know that, especially since now he was verging on being classed as drunk.

"So..." You narrowed your eyes in interest, "Tell me about your relationship with Jungkook?"

Perhaps you could get even more out of him?

You didn't think he would answer after he stared at you a little too blankly, but eventually he opened up, "We have a long history," he stated gloomily, "I guess in a way I know he never fully accepted mine and Kate's relationship."

You leaned in, "Kate told me Jungkook and her used to date."

Jimin agreed with a grunt, "That's true, they were together for two years and if I'm being completely truthful, it was a toxic relationship. They would break up all the time from arguing and I would just watch but then one time Kate called me up crying, asking me to pick her up from some park, of course I said yes."

"And then what happened?"

"I helped her, I consoled her and then... she kissed me." Jimin quickly avoided your shocked face by looking back at his stained red wine glass.

"How could she do that after just breaking up with someone she loved?" You found yourself blurting out, a little bit angry at the whole story.

"At first I thought she was just confused, but then I realised she was never in love with him, she just thought she was." He sighed, "But Kate is happier now, and as long as she's happy I am and having a good friend like Jungkook who will put his feelings aside for the sake of mine just makes me feel so blessed to have him. "

You frowned at that.

But what about Jungkook's happiness? Does that not matter to you?

"It's getting kind of late, we should probably get back." You abruptly stood up, flashing your purse at the shop owner for him to take your money.

Jimin soon stood up with you, "Let me walk you back."

You shook your head, "I brought my car."

"But you're drunk, aren't you?" Jimin's words made you freeze.

Of course you weren't drunk, you hadn't drank a single drop of alcohol tonight... but Jimin couldn't know that.

"I'll order a taxi-" You tried offering but Jimin cut you off.

He shuck his head profusely, "I prefer to walk, plus it might help me sober up before heading back to Kate."

Huffing you grabbed your coat, "Fine, but don't walk slow. I hate people who walk slow."

He held his hands up in surrender, "As you wish."

#What do you think about the new cover for this book? I'm not sure about it I NEED OPINIONS#

#Btw sorry for these last few lame chapters, I had writers block again oops 😫 but the next couple of chapters after this are going to be LIT so don't worry lmao 💕 Also sorry for any mistakes you see, I'm not with it today #

The Wedding Destroyer (J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now