01. Milo's Solitude

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^Elias and Matthias^

~Milo POV~

"If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely...If you're leaving baby let me down slowly,"

I sing along to the mellow tune as my bike whirs past the heavy set trees providing protection to the rest of the forest behind them. Twisting and turning down my long extended driveway with a small sigh of peaceful relief. The song comes to its main climax at just the right moment as I go speeding downhill, gently cruising on the navy blue bike. Enjoying the wind coming in through my beanie making its way through the bits of dark brown hair that somehow found a way to peek out.

I had never been in love before but the song was piercing my emotions in ways that I found hard to explain without previous examples.

I should rephrase that, I've been in love before...just no one's ever been in love with me.

It's kind of hard to love another person when you can just barely love yourself.

I pause the bike at the bottom of the hill before a busy intersection.

"No one's ever going to fall in love with a trans man anyway," I tell myself to try to get used to the idea that I would be forever alone.

I guess the good thing about flying solo is you never have to worry about someone breaking your...

With a loud thud and screeching stop, I roll onto the rough asphalt of the intersection, groaning in pain.

"Shit! See what you did ass face?! Hey, hey you! Are you okay?" a deep voice says from above and I groan a response.

"Well at least he's alive," Another voice says and I open my eyes to be met face to face with two boys hovering over me dressed in the same Oakland Hills uniform as mine.

One of the boys watches me with light hazel eyes and fluffy light brown hair while the other stares me down with piercing steel gray eyes that look like they're about to reap my soul. His jet black hair adding to the mystifying effect of his gentle gaze.

I instantly recognized them from school and cursed myself out in my head for being stupid enough to get hit by the Grayson twins.

Matthias and Elias Grayson to be exact.

I knew who they were but had no idea who was who and blink a few times, trying to get the blurry white stars out of my eyes.

"Hello stranger?" The brown haired one waves his hand in front of my face and I slap it away as I sit up.

"Wait...Do I know you?" The black haired one asks. Although the pair had different colored features, they looked oddly similar for fraternal twins.

"No, but...," I groan with my legs in pain as I look over at the final resting place of my beautiful bike which had been so twisted and mangled I was shocked I didn't break anything, "Oh fuck,"

"Hey, I'm sorry about your bike but this shit head was driving and tried to pick a fight with me so we weren't exactly watching the road. We can take care of that though I mean it looks like we go to the same school so let me drive you," The black haired guy says and puts his hand out to help me up, which I accept.

"What do you mean let ME drive you? It's MY car," The brown haired one says and he tries to get into the driver's seat of a black convertible mustang with the top down.

"Touch that steering wheel and I'm telling dad you almost killed someone," the black haired one warns and I hope to learn their names soon so I can tell them apart in my head.

My Secret Love Song #TransPRIDEWhere stories live. Discover now