07: Milo's First Friends

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~Milo POV~

"What on earth did you buy?!"

 I ask with a grunt as I pick up a box of heavy equipment and carry it through the garage entrance of Matty and Eli's house. Careful not to bump into the four other beautiful supercars on my way in.

"It's Everything we needed to build a recording studio, what else? If we're going to do this, we have to do it right." Eli explains as he shows us into an elevator that looked like it was made of solid gold. His large living room alone was the size of my house and I suddenly felt intimidated by the Graysons. Although the twins were nice and very humble considering their background, I felt the poor boy who just doesn't really belong.

"What do your mom and dad do to afford a house like this?" Thomas asks as he struggles to grip seven best buy bags filled with supplies.

"We actually have two dads, our Appa is a corporate lawyer and our dad is Co-CEO of Grayson International Enterprises, pretty boring stuff but it's what they like doing," Matty explains as we go down into the basement.

"Wait...you guys are the GRAYSON Graysons? Like royal family, crazy big family, trillionaire company owner Grayson?" Thomas asks and the twins both let out an identical laugh. The doors to the elevator open again and a steam fogs the air as he turns on the light. 

"That would be our family for you," Matty confirms and he holds the elevator door for us.

"Careful, don't fall in the pool," Eli warns while Thomas and I stare at the large pool in awe. 

"You have a pool in your basement? Who thought that was a good idea?" I ask and the twins shrug as we continue walking past the pool and into a long hallway. Matty opens the door to one of the rooms and we walk into a blank open room with white carpeted floors and a small couch.

"We can put it here, I'm sure my parents won't even notice," Eli directs Thomas and me while Matty gets to work opening up new boxes of stuff.

Matty grabs his laptop from upstairs and sets it up while I plug in the audio interface, Thomas puts the mic stand together, and Eli stands tries hanging a seven-foot whiteboard by himself. He fails a few times and mutters something under hs breath but refuses to ask for help. I quickly fix the interface and walk up behind Eli, catching the board just as it nearly crushes him.

"I'll hold it, while you put up the command strips," I say and he nods before continuing to stick them on the wall and the board while I watch. 

Now that I'm this close, I can smell his sweet freshly showered scent and I watch him carefully hang each strip. 

It's my first time seeing Eli out of his school uniform but he's dressed in a baggy gray sweater that probably cost more than my life itself with white ripped skinny jeans

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It's my first time seeing Eli out of his school uniform but he's dressed in a baggy gray sweater that probably cost more than my life itself with white ripped skinny jeans. 

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