16. Eli's Autumn Addiction

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^Eli POV^

I fall onto the bed with my phone in hand and let out a long-winded sigh, my hair tickles my bare right shoulder and I run my fingers through it with a feminine flair. I keep my face neutral, even though I really wanted to giggle with glee that my hair now reaches my shoulders. A soft knock on my door grabs my attention and I slowly turn my head to see Milo standing in the doorway to my bedroom. 

"You too?" 

He asks and I roll my eyes as he gets on the other side of the bed and lays on his back opposite to me. 

"What do we do?" I ask and he tilts his head towards me and I stare into his sweet brown eyes.

I could feel my cheeks start to blush and the thought of kissing him comes back to me. Kissing him was like kissing a bolt of lightning and I wanted so much more. But I couldn't do that to him. I couldn't lead him on, thinking he was dating a boy and suddenly tell him he's dating a woman.

"Wanna go for a drive?" I ask and he shifts up to his elbow so he could look down on me.

"Yeah, let's bring the guys," He says and gets up.


A snap is heard and the camera's stop rolling. 

"Alright let's go get the shot of Thomas and Matty downstairs in the driveway and then we'll head to the farm!" The student director calls out. 

She was a member of a group who was eliminated early on and when given the choice of which group she wanted to work with on producing, ours was first on her list.

"You've got about ten minutes to break and then we're all rolling out," she tells Milo and I before leading the charge out the door. 

The volunteer student cameramen leave and soon it was just Milo and I sitting up on the bed. 

Milo clears his throat and I stand up, leaning against the post on my bed.

"Are you coming?" I asked and he quickly nods.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking," he says and stands up, smoothing out his cute button up plaid shirt.

"Every time I look at you, I can't get that kiss out of my head," I confess and he groans.

"Me neither, fuck. I'm sorry, I wish I never did it," he says and goes to leave but I grab hold of the back of his shirt and pull him back.

He turns around and faces me, those big brown eyes with fluttering eyelashes meet my gaze and instantly fill with the sexy kind of lust I wanted. I take a step towards him and he tenses, holding himself back.

"You shouldn't, that was probably the ballsiest thing anyone's ever done to me. That took some mighty big dick energy my dear," I tell him honestly, my fingers dancing on his binded chest until they reach his sharp jawline.

 He doesn't stop me.

"I really shouldn't be doing this El," he just whispers and I shush him with my index finger.

"Please, I need this. We both do," I take the final step until my body was pressed against his and he finally wraps his arms around my waist.

"Just one kiss," he sets the limit and I quickly nod in agreement. 

"Just one," I promise before he presses his lips against mine and I felt instant relief. 

Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I grip him tightly for fear I'd topple over due to my gelatinous state of being when he did this.

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