25. Kai's Recovery

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~Kai POV~

"How was therapy today?" 

Matty asks as I slip the estrogen pill in my mouth and take it.

"It was good. I've been feeling so much better since I started taking my HRT routine and I'm starting to gain a little weight in all the right places," I giggle but my brother only offers a small smile and there was something bothering him.

"That's good, and how's Milo?" He asks and I feel my cheeks start to heat up.

"He's good, we're good I mean, He's...yeah," I gush nervously before punching his muscular bicep. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ask and he looks away from me.

"Nothing," He tries to lie to me but I grab his face and force him to face me.

"Matthias Piers Grayson, I've lived with you almost eighteen years, stop lying to me," I chastize him and he pushes my hands away.

"I just don't want to hurt your feelings," he says and I suck in a small breath, fearing what he would say next. Did he not want me to transition? Was it about Milo? Did he know something I didn't?

"Eli- I mean Kai...fuck," He nervously tugs at his light brown hair and that's how I know he's about to be serious.

"Go ahead Matty, you won't hurt me. I mean you're my brother, after all. I'm tough as nails after dealing with all your bullshit," That gets a small smile out of him but he still stays tense.

"Don't get me wrong. I love you, I support you, and you know that...it's just...I'm getting used to the fact that I'm the only boy now is all," he says and my heart goes out to him.

"I-I just find myself looking out for you, making sure Milo isn't pulling any B.S, I'm worried about little Mahina going to Paris with our sister, and don't even get me started on Clara," he says with a mild disdain towards our older half-sister who took off and never bothered checking in on us. 

"I just wish Hyungie was here, he would know what to do and then we would be even with two guys and two girls. He would have been here for your transition, he would have helped us with NTB, he would have come to our shows and supported us. I wish he was here, don't you?" Matty finally breaks and I pull my brother into a tight hug.

"I wish Taehyung was here too Matty, me too," I felt the tears line my eyes as I gave him a tight squeeze and he did the same.

"Wow? You two love each other now? Mind-blowing," Appa chuckles as he walks into the room before catching sight of our tears and flocking to us like a mama bear, ready to strike anyone or thing that hurt his young ones. 

"Why are you crying? What's going on? Did the doctor say something?" Appa asks and Matty and I knew better than to bring up Taehyung, especially with dad in the room.

 Both were so devastated by the loss that they almost lost themselves and my dad fell into a deep depression which he was just now breaking free from.  

"We were just having a talk about my near death," I quickly cover and Matthias nods in agreement. Appa sits down on the side of my hospital bed and dad hands over the bag of chicken nuggets I eagerly requested. 

"Where's our adopted child?" Appa asks and I nearly choke. 

"He's filming with Thomas back at school for our next video. I just got out early," Matty explains, rolling his eyes at my heavy blush with just the mention of my sweetheart.

"Why are you guys posting a video without Kai?" Dad asks and I tear into the first of the twenty piece chicken nuggets. 

"It's to add to an air of mystery cause Kai wants to be dramatic. She's not going to be in a music video or out in public in general until we get to New York where she'll come out on stage." Matty explains as he steals one of my nuggets and I give him an angry glare.

"I'm just trying to focus on bettering myself for these next two months," I add and Dad ruffles Matty's hair.

"Stop stealing from your sister, she's the one who needs the fat not you," He says and Matty pouts. 

"I bet you she would give some to Milo though," he continues to whine.

"How was work?" I ask, trying to steer the topic away from my baby.

"Work was work, nothing interesting with the exception of finding out my daughter's been outed to the world," Appa announces and I fall quiet with shock.

"W-What are you talking about?" I ask and Appa looks at Dad. 

"Honey, there's this girl named Emily, she said she's Milo's ex-girlfriend and started a social media riot when she announced that they broke up and you stole him from her. And she also brings up the fact that your transgender." Appa explains in basic details and I could figure out the rest.

"Has anyone in NTB said anything?" I ask and Matty shrugs.

"Milo was pretty pissed off, he started slamming shit and almost ruined the video. He wanted to say something to the press but Thomas has a handle on him since our PR team said we should wait until we get together and talk about it," He says and I let out a small groan.

"Are you okay sweetheart? I know it's a lot," Appa asks and I quickly nod.

"I'm fine, it's okay if  I'm outed to the world because the people who matter the most to me knew first and nothing else changes that," I say and Appa reaches over to pull me into a tight hug.

"I'm surprised you learned that at work though," I continue as I inhale more chicken nuggets.

"Well people talk, especially in our office. Oh honey, remember when you had to keep your pregnancy a secret?" Dad asks and Appa giggles while letting go of me to face him.

"Oh, that was the worse. Especially with this one playing a game of soccer with my ribcage!" Appa yanks at Matty's ear and he yelps with pain. 

"OW! I was like in utero Appa! You can't blame me for things I couldn't control!" He yells and Appa pokes him in the ribs.

"Yeah but your bro...I mean sister was such a chill baby, she would only kick to let me know she was there and that you hadn't engulphed her or anything while you would kick all the damn time. It never stopped!" he retorts.

"Wait until it happens to you," Appa adds and the room goes quiet.

"What did you just say?" Matty asks and Appa gasps, covering his mouth.

"I thought we weren't going to tell him unless it was necessary," Dad growls and Appa burries his face in his hands while cursing himself out. Matthias suddenly jumps ten feet in the air and looks at both of our parents, slowly shaking his head in disbelief.

"You're lying," He starts to laugh like a psychopath and Appa stands to grab his shoulders.

"I wish it was baby, but it's true. you were born a little bit deformed in the sex department, just like me," He says and Matty pushes him away.

"No...I'm just a normal boy!" He shouts and Appa grabs him again, holding him in his arms.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asks and Dad sighs. 

"We thought we wouldn't have to since you like women but now that you're bisexual, you just have to be a little careful with men is all. It's not that big of a deal," Dad tries to play it off to my Appa's stern glare.

"Fuck, it should be Kai getting pregnant, not me," Matty points to me but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't take his intersexuality from him.

But instead of snapping and running away, I was surprised to find him staying in our Appa's arms. 

 Never wanting to let go. 

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