12. Eli's Popularity

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~Eli's POV~

"And we're going live in




Mr. Taylor counts down as he presses a button on his impressive camera and a little light in the corner turns red. We could all suddenly see the entire classroom on the smart board and had been arranged according to our eight groups. 

Even those who were not in the class but in a group were given a free pass to come join us. Which is why my stupid brother was sitting beside me, looking cool with his muscular arms crossed and his legs on the desk. Thomas shoves them off because they were in his face but he only turns a little so his smelly feet were now invading my personal bubble. I look at him with disgust be he ignores me.

It also explains why my ex Ryan is here, looking over at our cluster every few minutes, trying to catch my glance but I refused to make eye contact, cause I'm having a rule the world moment with one million views and I refuse to let certain whiny bitches ruin my good vibes.

"We should come up with some sort of hand gesture, you know, for when we introduce ourselves," Matty suggests and the group turns to our hot team captain Milo, who raises a thick brow and licks the bottom of his sexy kissable lips.

"Do you have anything in mind?" He asks and although he still had a slight pitch in his voice from being born a girl, it was deep enough to have this cute little dip, showing his authority.

"Can we do an x over your face with my middle fingers?" Thomas asks and Matty gives him a shove.

"No fucker, come on, I'm being serious," He says and Milo scratches his chin like he usually does when he's about to have a brilliant idea. I lean in, waiting in anxious anticipation for it to strike.

"What about this?" Milo puts his hands together, forming almost two perfect triangles. His attempt was so cute and I try to copy him. His beautiful hazel green eyes meet my gaze in search of approval.

"I think it's-"

"Eh, I guess we'll have to work on it," Matty says interrupting our little moment and I wanted to slap him. 


Mr. Taylor announces to the camera and had it set up so we could see the live comments scrolling past at the speed of light. 

"Now we're going to wait a few minutes to rack up a few more viewers, but until then I'm going to introduce the eight groups to you and out of those eight groups only six will survive the elimination and only one will come out on top." Mr Taylor explains in a scary voice for dramatic effect be we weren't scared at all. 

"Let's meet our groups, when I call your name please rise," He announces and he picks up a small tablet. 

"Kitten Cuddles," He says and a group of shy nervous girls goes to stand and face the camera with a small wave before sitting down again.

"Double Dose," 

"Snake Pit,"

"The Embers,"

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