As the Sun Rises Over Manhattan (Santa Fe: Prologue)

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[Scene 1: Lodging House Fire Escape. The sun is just starting to rise, and Crutchie, a newsboy with a limp, hops up and gets ready for another long day of selling papers, picking up his crutch. His (boyf)riend Jack hears him stumbling around and groggily sits up, giving him a confused look.]

Jack: Where ya goin'? What are you...? The bell ain't rung yet, go back to sleep!

Crutchie: [putting on his vest] I wanna beat the other fellas to the streets. Besides, I don't want anyone should see... I ain't... uh... [he pauses and turns to Jack, smiling slightly] I ain't been walkin' so good.

[Jack watches him put his crutch under his arm, sliding across the floor of the fire escape to get his vest.]

Jack: Aww, quit gripin'. You know how many guys fake a limp for sympathy? That bum leg of yours is a goldmine!

Crutchie: Yeah, but if someone gets the idea I can't make it on my own, they'll lock me up in the refuge for good! [He scooches over to the exit of the fire escape, hanging on to the railing] Be a pal, Jack, help me down!

[He goes to climb down, but slips and falls, hanging on for dear life. Jack rushes to his rescue, pulling him up onto the fire escape floor.]

Jack: Hey, do you wanna bust your udda leg too?!

Crutchie: [still looking a little shaken] No, I wanna go down...

Jack: You'll be down there soon enough. Take a moment, drink in my... my penthouse. High above the stinkin' streets o' New York.

Crutchie: [laughs, picking up his crutch] You're crazy.

Jack: [defensively] Why, 'cause I like a breath of fresh air? 'Cause I like seein' da sky and da stars?

Crutchie: Yeah, you're seein' stars alright.

Jack: [stares over the darkened city streets broodingly] Them streets down there, they sucked da life right outta my old man. Years a' rotten jobs, stomped on by bawsses, and when they fin'lly broke 'im, dey... dey tossed 'im to da coib just like yestaday's paper- well dey ain't doin' that to me! [he yells this last bit into the void]

Crutchie: [is confusion] But everyone wants to come here...

Jack: New York's fine for those who got a big, strong door to lock it out. But I tell ya, Crutchie, there's a whole 'nother way out there. So you keep yer... small life in da big city. Give me a big life, in a small town.

They say folks is dyin' to get here
Me, I'm dyin' to get away
To a little town out west that's spankin' new.

[he laughs, looking over at Crutchie, who is still confusion.]

And while I ain't nevah been dere-
I can see it clear as day...
If you want, [he gestures at Crutchie, who grins.] I'll bet'cha you could see it too.

[he giggles, walking over to his friend.]

Close your eyes- [he pats Crutchie on the shoulder as the latter rolls his eyes good-naturedly. We guess Crutchie has been subject to Jack's shenanigans multiple times before.] -come with me
Where it's clean and green and pretty [Crutchie reluctantly closes his eyes, and listens to Jack describe his dream, smiling softly.]
And dey went and made a city outta clay.
Why, da minute dat ya get dere, folk's'll walk right up and say-
"Welcome home son, welcome home to Santa Fe!"
Plantin' crops!

[Jack makes his way to the other side of the fire escape as Crutchie opens his eyes and watches him.]

Splittin' rails!
Swappin' tales around da fiyah,
Oh, 'cept for Sunday when you lie around all day!
Soon your friends are more like family,
And dey's beggin' you to stay
Ain't dat neat?
Livin' sweet
In Santa Fe.

[a few moments of silence as Crutchie wonders if Jack has come back from Santa Fe yet]

Crutchie: You got folks there?

Jack: [he laughs humorlessly, like "as if."] No, I ain't got no folks nowhere. What, you?

Crutchie: Nah, I don't need folks. [he laughs and makes his way over to Jack, punching him lightly on the shoulder.] I got friends.

Jack: Yeah... [gets an idea] hey, how's about you come with me, huh? [He gestures to Crutchie's leg] No one cares about no bum leg in Santa Fe! Nah, you just... just hop a palomino! [he "gallops" to the opposite side of the fire escape, making hoof hands like the dork he is] Ya ride it in style!

Crutchie: Gaw, yeah, feat'cha me... ridin' in style... [he too makes hoof hands but thinks better of it because he's smart that way]

Jack: Hey I bet a few months of clean air, you... you could toss that crutch fuh good!

[sung by Jack and Crutchie]
Santa Fe
You can bet
We won't let them bastards beat us.
We won't beg no one to treat us fair and square!
There's a life that's worth the livin'
And I'm gonna do my share!

[sung by Jack]
Work the land
Chase da sun

[Jack and Crutchie]
Swim the whole Rio Grande just for fun!

Watch me stand!
Watch me run... [he falters and blinks, smile fading. My heart hurts.]

[Jack notices his change in demeanor and walks over to him, clapping a hand on his shoulder and then hugging him from behind]

Jack: Hey, hey.

Don't ya know that we'se a family?
And would I letcha down, huh?
No way.
Just hold on kid, 'til that train makes Santa Fe.

[the bell rings, both newsies hang their heads, not quite ready for another long day of selling.]

Jack: [sighs] Time for dreamin's done. [he calls down to the rest of the boys] Hey! Specs, Racer, Henry, Elmer, Albert, get a move on! Them papes don't sell themselves!

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