*Epic Music* Brooklyn mAKES AN ENTRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANCE (Brooklyn's Here)

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[Meanwhile, the Brooklyn newsies (and the rest of the boroughs but really, they aren't important.) have shown up in Irving Hall for the rally. They try to act tough, but really, they're just little beans. Spot Conlon is 5'4 and he's probably killed a guy with. Dis. Thumb. Though so it's not a good idea to screw with him.] 

Brooklyn Newsies: 

Newsies need our help today 

(Newsies need our help today) 

Tell 'em, Brooklyn's on their way! 

(Tell 'em, Brooklyn's on their way!) 

We're from  


We are 


We are 



Just got word that our buddies is hurtin'! 

Facin' total disaster for certain! 

That's our cue, boys, it's time to go slummin'! 

Hey, Manhattan, the cavalry's comin'! 

Have no fear! 

(You know we got your back from way back) 

Brooklyn's here! 

(We'll get your pay back with some payback!) 

We're the boys from the beaches of Brighton, 

Prospect Park and the Navy Yard Pier. 

Strikes ain't fun, but they sure is excitin'! 

Loud and clear— Brooklyn's here! 

Spot Conlon: [dramatically taking his hat off]

Borough what gave me birth. 

Brooklyn Newsies: [also taking their hats off] 

Friendliest place on earth. 

Pay us a visit, and see what we means, 

And when ya do... [they start putting their hats back on] 

When ya do... 

When ya do we'll kick ya halfway to Queens! 

Now them soakers is in for a soakin' 

What a sad way to end a career! 

They'se a joke, but if they thinks we're jokin', 

Loud and clear— 

Manhattan newsies: [putting their sign in the air] 

Manhattan's here! 

Flushing newsies: 

Flushing's here! 

Richmond newsies: 

Richmond's here! 

Woodside newsies: 

Woodside's here! 

Bronx newsies: 

So's da Bronx! 


[blows a raspberry] 

Brooklyn's here! 

Loud and clear— 

We is here! 

[backstage of Medda's theater] 

[Spot and Davey spit shake as the rest of the city's newsies gather around to watch the rally. Medda enters, clapping] 

Medda: Welcome newsies of New York city to my theater and your revolution! 

[the newsies cheer loudly] 

Davey: And let's hear it for Spot Conlon and Brooklyn! 

[all the newsies cheer, Brooklyn loudest of all. (Wild beans)] 


Spot: [enjoys the applause for a moment before shutting everyone up by literally just opening his arms. After the immediate response, he smiles proudly.] Let's see what Pulitzer's gotta say to ya now. 

Finch: Hey, Davey, where's Jack? 

[the others start to question as well, all turning to Davey as though he would know. Davey looks to Medda for help.] 

Medda: [placing a hand on Davey's shoulder and shaking her head apologetically] Sorry, kid. No sign of him yet. Looks like you're doin' this solo. 

[the newsies start slamming their signs on the ground, chanting Jack's name over and over like some kind of satanic ritual] 

Davey: [tries doing the Spot Conlon Bicep thing but it fails, so he just yells as loud as possible] Newsies of New York! [they stop chanting and stare at Davey reluctantly] Look at what we've done! We got newsies from every pape and every neighborhood here tonight. Tonight, you're makin' history. Alright? [he claps, meeting silence.] Tonight, we declare that we're just as much a part of the newspaper as any reporter or editor. We're done bein' treated like kids. From now on, they'll treat us as equals! Right? [he claps again, this time met by applause. He looks over to one side, and there, standing in the shadows, is Jack. He nods for him to come into the spotlight, smiling.] 

Jack: [enters, coldly brushing Davey aside.] If you wanna be treated like adults, then start actin' like one. Don't just run your mouth, make some sense. 

[Davey jumps out of his way] 

Davey: And here's Jack! 

[the others cheer and start chanting again, pounding their signs on the ground.] 

Jack: Alright! Alright! 

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