In Which the Poor Guys Head is Spinning (Watch What Happens Reprise)

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[Irving Hall. Jack stands backstage, reading Crutchie's letter and looking frustrated and close to tears. He picks up his artists palette as Medda walks backstage with an envelope.]

Medda: [hands him the envelope] Here's everything I owe you for the first backdrop, plus this one, [she looks at the backdrop Jack had been painting and frowns] and a little extra something on account of I'm gonna miss you so.

Jack: [pushes the money away] Miss Medda, I-

Medda: Jack! [she gives him a look and he reluctantly takes it.]

Jack: You're a gem.

Medda: Just tell me you're going somewhere and not running away.

Jack: [walking back over to his backdrop, intending to finish it] Doesn't matter.

Medda: When you go somewhere and it turns out not to be the right place, you can always go somewhere else. But if you're running away, nowhere will ever be the right place.

[Davey appears in the upper backstage (sorry, I don't know stage terms.) and, seeing Jack, sighs]

Davey: How 'bout lettin' a pal know you're alive! [he runs down to join them] Where did you go, we couldn't find ya!

Medda: I'll leave you with your friend. ("Friend..." sure... Medda knows, Jack. She always knows.)

Jack: [to Davey, annoyed, as he pretends to look busy on his backdrop] You ever think I didn't want to be found?

Davey: [about Jack's backdrop] Is that a real place? That Santa Fe? [after failing to engage him in a conversation, Davey pulls the newsies' edition of The Sun from a pocket] Hey, did you see the papes? We are front page news, above the fold! Oh yes, above- [he unfolds the paper] the fold. [he smiles excitedly]

Jack: Good for you.

Davey: [staring at the paper admiringly] Everyone wants to meet the famous Jack Kelly. Even Spot Conlon sent over a kid just to say next event, you can count on Brooklyn! How about that? [he waits for a reaction.]

Jack: We got stomped into da ground.

Davey: Yeah, they got us this time. I'll grant you that, but we took round one. With press like this, our fight is far from over.

Jack: [turning to face his friend, annoyed] Ever newsie who could walk was out this mornin', sellin' papes like the strike never happened!

Davey: And I was right out there with them! If I don't sell papes, my folks don't eat. But-

Jack: Save your breath! I get it! It's hopeless! [he kneels next to his backdrop, trying to ignore his friend]

Davey: But then I saw this look on Weasel's face. He was actually nervous! And then I realized, this isn't over. [he puts a hand on Jack's shoulder, drawing his attention away from the backdrop] We got 'em worried. Really worried. And I walked away. Lots of other kids did too, and that is what you call a beginning!

[Jack gives him an annoyed look, about to argue, before Les and Katherine appear in the upper backstage thing.]

Les: [pointing at Jack] There he is, just like I said!

Jack: [he stands to get away from Davey] For cryin' out loud, where's a fella gotta go to get away from you people?!

Davey: There's no escapin' us, pal. We're inevitable. [he hits Jack on the toosh with the paper before walking over to join Les and Katherine, who have come down from the upper backstage]

Les: [impatiently] So, what's the story? Will Medda let us have the theater?

Davey: Pipe down! I didn't ask yet.

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