Everything Goes Wrong Again, Very Rapidly (Seize the Day Reprise I)

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[The newsies jump from their spots at the paperstand and tear at the papers, ripping them to shreds and tossing them into the air]


Newsies forever,

Second to none!

One for all and all for

One for all and all for

One for all and all for...

[their voices start to fade out as more and more newsies drop out of singing, staring in shock and horror as they notice Weisel had went to get Snyder and a couple of his goons.]

[they try to leave, but the Delanceys stop them from running off, trapping the newsies between them and Snyder.]

Weisel: [threateningly hitting his bat against his hand] It's time these kids learn a lesson.

[Mush runs up to soak him, but Jack pushes him away, staring at Snyder and Weisel hatefully.]

Jack: Newsies! [he pauses] GET 'EM!

[The others throw stacks of papers as Snyder's goons and the newsies rush each other. The whole scene evolves into a chaotic mess... newsies are downed, thrown on the paperstand, Les is in a barrel to hide from the Delanceys, who are apparently still going after him... it's a little crazy.]

[Finally, a whistle blows. A bull enters, and the fighting stops.]

Romeo: [stumbling up to him] It's about time you showed up! They'se slaughterin' us! [the bull slaps him, knocking him to the ground]

[The brawl starts up again, this time with twice as much energy. As it goes on, more and more of the boys run back to the Lodging House, breaking away from the fight. Almost all the newsies have left the scene by the time it happens. The moment everyone's been dreading. The Delanceys start dragging Crutchie away.]

Crutchie: [urgently] Help, Jack, help!

[Morris tears Crutchie's strike sign off his crutch, crumbling it in his fist. Crutchie, in response, punches him in the face.]

[Oscar punches Crutchie, who falls to the ground on contact. Morris picks up Crutchie's crutch from the ground, only to have it forcefully taken by Snyder, who snatches it from his grasp. Snyder starts beating Crutchie with his own crutch. Jack watches from his penthouse, petrified with fear. Tears streaming down his face as though he were the one being beaten.]

Snyder: [cuffing Crutchie] It's off to the Refuge with you, little man. [he points to the Delanceys] Take him away!

[The Delanceys drag Crutchie away.]

Crutchie: Please! Jack! Jack, help me!

Snyder: [pointing to Jack] Get him! [the goons run after Jack, eventually losing him up in his penthouse.] Kelly!

[Crutchie is dragged off to the Refuge.]

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