CHAPTER 1: Mood Swing

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It's been a month since the confrontation of the two rival mafia happened and everything is not that well.

I mean, a mafia versus an organization of mad scientists who's obsessed on making drugs that will conquer the biggest mafia of all time. Maybe not just the mafia but also the world.

But that's not the problem for now.

Beca's mafia, the rest of the living mafia members moved in a different country.

Specifically, england.

They have so many British investors and co-mafia to go help them. Those investors had a power but nothing compare to the mafia so they're just there to protect the rest of the reapers.

Speaking of,

They do their best to make Ashley go out of the jail after a couple of week of being arrested. Fortunately, the guy she stabbed has no family to charge her. (Or no one to depend with) Ashley's lawyer, Jessica who pretend to be a license lawyer defended her from the police. They didn't see what exactly had happened, so there's indication that the bartender wants to assault her and that's just a self defense. After all those reasons, Jessica still insisted that if there's no defendant or enough reasons to sue Ashley, the case will be dismissed. Ashley was dismissed after a week because there's no claimed defendants from the victim.

They all worked together to make the victim's relatives and family to stay silent about the case and they gave them a lot of money not to speak, after all the victim is their only child who work for his family who needs medication because of their ailment diseases.

After they discreetly flew from Atlanta to England, specifically London, they did their best to live a simple life.

They bought a mansion with a lot of rooms for all of them. I mean, the 12 of them plus 4.

Beca, Chloe, Maddie, Emily, Jessica, Ashley, CR, Fat Amy, Lilly, Aubrey and Flo plus the butler who survived the invasion named Roxanne, Jean, Sheisee and… Lee.

No one knew Lee is one of the traitors, yet. So when Ashley came out of the jail, she immediately find Lee and she found her sleeping in the alley with some bruises. No one knew the truth about her bruises but the truth is she was being pushed on the car while it's moving. One of Matthew's goons did it to her because she didn't do what was the plan.

She didn't kill Ashley so they pushed her out of the getaway van.

Emily insisted that they should bring Sheisee with them. After the killings and being saved, her parents died because of Sheisee and that's also because of the mafia so Emily, being conscious, having consciencd and living, she brought the girl with them. It's their fault though why she's alone now. After all, Sheisee knew their 'things' and 'secrets' after the incident.

Jean was there with them and not yet waking up after the operation. She was claimed as a coma patient because of her fatal wounds but it's not that serious so she will wake up soon. They brought her along with them because after all she's part of the mafia.

And the real problem is this…

"Beca!!!!!" Chloe shouted from the bed making Beca rushed from first floor to second floor where Chloe's room was. She could hear it clearly because it was Chloe, the loudest of all. If it's possible, Jean will wake up because of her.

Everyone was irritated of her but no one dares to complain because she's Beca's girlfriend and the fact that she's pregnant made them shut up.

As soon as Beca entered the room, she raised her eyebrows as if she saw something terrible. "What?"

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