Chapter 1

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"The projects are due in two weeks, make sure to work on it everyday, don't do it the day before!" exclaimed Ms. Bustier as we were all leaving the classroom. It was Friday and everyone wanted to go home from a long tiring week.

I got paired with Alya and I was so grateful for that. I didn't want to get paired with Chloe again. As we were heading out the building Alya spoke, "I have to babysit my sisters since my parents are going out, I'll text you later if I have the chance to go over to your place, d'accord?" "D'accord."

I waved at her and she walked in the direction of her house. I turned around and walked the opposite direction to mine. I entered the bakery and was greeted by maman who was stacking boxes of macaroons on the counter. "Hey sweetie, how was school?" she asked. "It was fine," I said walking by, "I got paired with Alya for our project."

"That's nice," she smiled and gave me a hug. I headed upstairs to my room and sat down on my chair. I didn't have homework so I could work on designs.

I opened my sketch book to my latest design. It was a Chat Noir inspired outfit. The shirt was off the shoulders and loose from the top but adjusted at the waist. The sleeves reached the elbows. It was a light mint green with a small black paw on the bottom left corner of the shirt. The bottom was black jeans with green stitches on the sides of the bottom.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, the cat grew on me. He was my partner after all. I've known him for about 3 years.

I kept doodling on the design and working on more. Soon enough it was time to so patrol. I closed my sketchbook and stood up. "Ready Tikki? Transforme-moi!"

I landed on our usual meeting spot. Chat Noir was already there. "Bonjour
Bugaboo," he said winking and placing a kiss on my hand. I pulled it away and laughed, "Stop calling me bugaboo!"

"Everything seems to be clear, no akumas. I need to head back home, I'm meeting up with a friend," said Chat Noir sitting next to me. We were at our meeting place, La Tour Eiffel. "Alright, I think I am going to go home as well," I replied.

"Au revoir M'lady," he winked at me and kissed my hand before running of. I giggled. Silly Kitty.

I swung my yo-yo to the nearest building. As I was swinging towards the building I heard my name being called. "Hey Ladybug!"

As I looked down I saw Alya waving up at me with her phone in hand and her twin sisters next to her. I smiled at Alya and landed in front of her. "Do you mind giving me an interview?!" Alya asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Her two sisters nodded and squealed with excitement. I laughed, "I would really love to Alya, but I really should get going." Alya and the girls whined a little and reluctantly let me go.

I hid in a nearby by alley and destranformed. Tikki flew into my purse and began eating the cookie I had put in there for her. Just as I was going to walk out, I heard a voice around the corner. It was Adrien's. My heart started to beat faster. This could be my chance to talk to him. Maybe I could ask him if he had any free time tomorrow for us to hang out.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard him say "I really like Ladybug, she's just so amazing Nino! The way she's so confident in everything she does." My heart sank the second I heard those words come out of Adrien's mouth. Nino laughed and replied but I didn't get to hear. I ran off in the different direction when they passed the alley. I don't know if they heard or saw me. I just wanted to get home quickly. I quickly transformed and landed on my roof. I opened the hatch and landed on my bed. I detransformed and Tikki landed next to me, immediately hugging my cheek. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"Marinette what's wrong? Why are you crying?" she asked. Her blue eyes full of worry. "You heard him Tikki! He likes Ladybug," I replied, getting up to a sitting position. The Kwami opened her mouth to say something and I lifted my finger to silence her.

"Before you say 'but you are ladybug!' I know I am ladybug, but he doesn't. I want him to like me, Marinette. Ladybug is a perfect part of me but I wanted him to love me for my imperfect side," I choked out. "Marinette don't say that, all of you is perfect, in your own way! Don't put yourself down. You are a wonderful and kind person. Ladybug wouldn't existing without you!" Tikki said, giving me a small kiss on the cheek. I smiled at her sweet words. I gave her a hug, "Thank you Tikki, I needed that."

"Go to sleep, it's early but you seem emotionally exhausted, besides you have the project you need to work on tomorrow with Alya," she said settling down on her pillow.

"You go ahead. I'm going to finish a design," I replied grabbing my sketch book. I opened the hatch and sat on my balcony, letting more tears stream down my face.

Of course he liked Ladybug.

She's perfect. Everyone loves her.

Of course he wouldn't notice me. I'm just regular and boring Marinette, with nothing to offer.


First chapter done!
This is my first time writing a fan fiction and honestly I suck at writing so sorry if this is horrible (':

Also I suck at designs so

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