Chapter 6

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"What the hell do you mean Plagg?" Adrien asked. "This has to be a joke right? And where did you get that croissant?"

"No I'm being serious, I was with ladybug, then I was with bakery girl, she was very upset. She gave me a croiss-"


Plagg's eyes widened and he let go of the croissant. "Tikki is going to kill me..." he muttered to himself low enough for Adrien to not hear.

"Plagg, answer my question," Adrien said, clearly mad. "Yes yes she knows, I told her I was Chat Noir's kwami, she took it well," Plagg said playing it off. He grabbed his croissant and continued eating. "She doesn't know you're Chat Noir."

Adrien rubbed his temple. "Ok Plagg, you need to tell me everything that happened with Marinette." The kwami groaned. "Or no cheese."

"Fine! fine! I'll tell you. I wanted to go see the real ladybug so I did. I left your bag and flew over to ladybug. Her, her kwami and I talked. Then your friend walked by. I smelled cheese on her so I flew into her bag. I forgot to get out of there so when she bolted out she took me with her. When she finally got to her room, I accidentally made a noise and she saw me. At first she freaked out and fell. After some really long explaining I told her I was a Kwami, Chat Noir's kwami. Mentioning you made her cry," Plagg stopped for a few moments and glared at Adrien. Adrien ignored it and urged him to continue. "So I tried cheering her up, I said nice things to her." "That's a shocker." "Shut it kid, let me finish. Anyways, she was so confused at first but eventually accepted it. She asked me if Chat Noir believed Abby was ladybug, I said yes. She started crying. She asked me if I believed she was ladybug. I said no because Abby isn't Ladybug. She looked at me and smiled. Then she gave me the croissant and let me leave."

I bsed that so hard and I really hope he believes it.

"Why would Marinette be happy when you said she wasn't Ladybug?" "Cause she's ladybug you moron," Plagg muttered.



"Does Marinette not like Abby?"

"I don't know, ask her yourself, you have my permission to go as Chat, I like her."

Adrien was bewildered. He shook his head and transformed into Chat Noir.

He jumped from rooftop to rooftop towards Marinette's house. When he go there he saw her sitting down on her chaise brushing her hair. Her back was to him and he couldn't see her face.

He knocked on her window and she jumped a little. She looked over showing no expression. She walked over to the window and let him in. Plagg wasn't kidding. Her eyes were glossy and her cheeks had tear stains. Her glossy lips were also a bit puffy due to her crying. Chat Noir found himself staring at her lips a little too long. They looked extremely kissable. Since when was Marinette this pretty?

"What is it Chat?"

He was immediately brought back and he mentally slapped himself. He shouldn't be thinking such things. Not when he was with Ladybug. "I-i just wanted to check up on you princess," he responded, a slight blush forming. He could feel Plagg chuckle inside of him. The little bastard was going to pay later.

Marinette just hummed and went back to sit down. "I'm sorry for the way I acted." Marinette didn't respond. She grabbed her brush and continued to brush her hair.

"Princess, please, look at me," he pleaded. Marinette hesitated, but looked up at him. He sat down next to her and put a hand on her cheek. She leaned on his hand. She wasn't sure if she wanted to see him, but right now she needed comfort and he was right there. She closed her eyes and hummed softly. Chat felt shivers down his spine. When did it become so hard to breathe?

"I really shouldn't have acted that way, I'm so sorry princess," he said. She opened her eyes and looked back up at him. Their faces were only inches apart. She felt so heartbroken and she desperately needed comfort. It wouldn't be so bad if she kissed Chat, right?

Marinette started leaning in and Chat could feel his heart racing. Her lips crashed into his and he felt like his heart was going to explode. Her lips were soft and the kiss was sweet yet needy. She needed this, and he felt it.

The shock started to wear off and he kissed her back. How could something feel so bad yet so good. Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. Chat moved his hands to her waist and dug his claws into her sides a little. She gasped a little and he used this to slip his tongue in her mouth. Marinette made a soft noise and Chat could've sworn it was a moan. When did it become so hot in here?

He pulled her into her lap and she now straddled him. They both pulled apart, breathing for air. Marinette's face was flushed and her lips were slightly swollen.

She wiggled a little on his lap and he hissed. His claws gripped her thighs tightly. "Please don't do that princess, it makes me want you for the wrong reasons," he whispered in her ear. She tensed and got off him immediately. Now he was cold. He missed her warmth. He probably shouldn't have said that second part.

She hugged her knees and leaned her head on them. Her body was on fire. Why the hell did I kiss Chat?!


"I-im so sorry I shouldn't have done that," she quickly said.

He grabbed her left ankle and pulled her towards him. She screamed a little and he got on top of her. Her face was almost as red as Ladybug's suit and her eyes were wide. "You didn't let me finish, I was going to say that I wouldn't mind another kiss."

Before she could reply he crashed his lips into hers. She melted into his kiss and immediately kiss back.

He wasn't thinking about Ladybug or Abby right now. All he could think about was Marinette and how soft her lips are.


Should I write sin?
I don't know if I should write sin

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