Chapter 13

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Omg I got 400+ more reads yesterday 😭 it was at like 300 then it was at 700+, on my birthday too!

So here's another chapter ♡

There is sin this chapter. I marked where it starts and where it ends with two * if you want to skip it.
Please don't make any childish comments. You don't have to read it if you are uncomfortable or if you don't like to read that kind of thing.

Or you can just join me in hell.

Either is cool.


Marinette paced back and forth in her room. Tikki had stopped trying to comfort her. She had tried endlessly for an hour to no avail. She was just too worried. Tikki decided to just sit back and let her tire herself out.

Marinette couldn't stop thinking. Everything happened so fast. So many things happened in one week. How was she going to accept all of that happened? First Abby, then the kiss, then the dirty secret, and then Adrien claiming he loved her and he slept with her. Thinking of all of this was her head hurt and her heart ache. She needed a break.

That's why she told Plagg to get Chat to come over. She loved him and Adrien, and it seemed like both loved her back. However, she was not ready. Everything was just too much and she needed time off before she could make any big decision.

She could only handle so much in one week.

Adrien, not knowing what she was going to say was gonna break his heart, was excited. He was going to go visit Marinette when Plagg told him she asked him to visit.

He had a quick photo shoot and did his homework as fast as he could. He really wanted to hear what she wanted to say. Maybe she was going to choose Chat. The fact that she loved this part of him made his heart skip a beat.

He transformed and made his way to Marinette's house. There was still an hour left for patrol so he had enough time to spend with his princess.

He knocked on her window. From inside Marinette tripped over her chaise. She quickly got up and opened the window. "Hey princess~" he smiled at her. This only made her heart break even more. He truly had feelings for her, but she couldn't accept them. Not yet anyways.

She mustered a fake smile, "hey Kitty." He frowned. He knew her smile was fake. It was the exact same smile he did during photoshoots. An empty, emotionaless smile.

He got in and cupped her cheeks in both hands. "Princess what's wrong?" She looked down. She couldn't look at him. Tears were forming in her eyes. How many times has she cried now? How does she still have tears?

He lifted her face and made her look at him. Bluebell eyes and emerald green. He slowly leaned in and kissed her. It was a sweet, passionate kiss. She kissed back, wrapping her arms around his neck as his went to her waist.


Marinette pulled away, needing air. Chat started kissing down her jaw line to her neck. He place a small kiss on the disappearing hickey she had. He went lower and started biting and sucking. Marinette let out a soft moan.

He went back to kissing her and slowly began walking backwards. He sat of her chaise and sat her on his lap. Not once breaking the kiss. She rolled her hips against him making him let out a groan. She could feel his growing excitement. He broke the kiss and continue to kiss and bite where he was making a new hickey. It was where her neck and shoulder met, hopefully making it easier for her to hide.

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