Chapter 5

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"W-what," Marinette stared at the kwami. "Why are you here?" The kwami sighed, "I got tired of Chat Noir's idiocy, so I left, do you have cheese?" Marinette blinked numerous times. Was that really Chat Noir's kwami? "H-how do you-" "We always know who LB and CN are, we're just not allowed to say," replied Tikki before Mari could finish.

"He's so dead sure that Abby is ladybug and it's so frustrating cause now he's going after her. He won't shut up about it," Plagg said rolling his eyes. "Chat Noir is going after her too?" Marinette asked. She felt her heart break even more than it already was. "I lost both guys..."

The Kwamis could only exchange sad glances. Plagg was about to speak up but Tikki shushed him. "Don't worry Marinette, this will soon be fixed." "No it won't," she muttered.

Tikki looked over at Plagg, slight anger showing. She pulled him aside, "Look Plagg, I respect Chat Noir, but you have to do something about your boy, he's hurting Marinette!" "I know, I know, but what can I do? We can't tell him who ladybug is."

"Yes, but no one ever said we're not allowed to deny. You're just denying one person. It's not like you're helping him figure it out."

Plagg stared at Tikki with a blank expression. "I think his stupidity got to me."

The Kwamis flew back to a crying Marinette. "Please don't cry Mari," pleaded Tikki. "Yeah, honestly neither boy deserves your tears, they're both idiots."

"Don't be so mean Plagg," sniffed Marinette.

Both Kwamis flew over to her and hugged her cheeks. This made her smile. "You two are so sweet," she said, wiping her tears away. "I'm not sweet, I'm awesome, beside I prefer cheese, not sweets, the stinker the better!" replied Plagg. This made her laugh. "What kind do you like? I have brie et camembert, qu'est-ce que tu veux?"

Plagg stared at her with wide eyes. "My boy needs to wife you immediately"

Adrien looked around the school frantically. He checked the classroom, the bathroom, and the lockers, but he wasn't there. "Where the hell did he run off to?" he muttered to himself. He shook his head, "I'll find him later, I need to go on a date with Abby."

He left the school building and walked over to Abby, who was standing at the bottom of the stairs talking to someone. She noticed him and smiled. She said goodbye to the person and walked to him. "Ready?" "Yes!"

With that he took her hand and they walked towards a nearby cafe.

As they walked people gasped and snapped pictures of them. Who wouldn't? The famous model was walking hand in hand with the famous ladybug. Girls hated Abby and boys envied Adrien. Neither cared though. They were both living in their own little world.

The rest of the date went well. They were asked many things by people but it wasn't much. Adrien was used to the attention and Abby didn't seem to mind.

Adrien walked her home after the date. He kissed her hand and said, "see you tomorrow, m'lady." He stared at her to see any reaction. He wanted to slowly give hints that he was Chat Noir.

She just blushed and smiled. She said goodbye and went inside the tall building. Hm, maybe she just acts differently around Adrien.

When he go back home he noticed Plagg sitting down on his bed. He was happily eating a croissant filled with cheese.

Adrien frowned, "Where the heck were you Plagg?!" The Kwami didn't stop eating or even glance at him. "I was with the REAL ladybug," he responded with a snobby tone. "What?"

"Abby isn't ladybug you dense idiot."


Guess who started a new book before she was done with this one (':

Sorry for the short chapter

Qu'est-ce que tu veux? - what do you want?

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