Chapter 9

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Adrien woke up extremely guilty and nervous. He had once again kissed Marinette. Scratch that, he was so close to making her his. He didn't know how he could face her at school with all he had done to her. She probably wouldn't have a problem. She did all of that with Chat. And no one knew.

"Get up kid, you still owe me a lot of cheese for what happened," Plagg said, taking a bite of his camembert. Truth be told, he actually had something to do with it. The kid would never admit he had feelings for Marinette, but the feelings were there. Plagg just gave him a little push without Adrien knowing. He didn't want them to go too far though and made Adrien run out of time.

Yes it may have caused some problems but it was better that way. This way they learned to love their other half.

Adrien glared at him and got up. He slowly got up and got ready for school. He heard a knock at his door. He sighed. If it wasn't Plagg bothering him about getting to school it was Nathalie. "Coming." He heard footsteps leaving and finished getting ready. He made his way to the dinning room and ate his breakfast.

He couldn't stop thinking about how he could face Marinette. He had done so much to her and he had wanted to do more. Just then Abby crossed his mind. Shit. How was he going to end things with her? The poor girl was probably getting attacked by the media and then she'd have to get dumped. She was going to be a mess.

Marinette was no better. She too was a mess much like Adrien. Chat Noir had gotten a little carried away and left an extremely noticeable hickey. How the hell was she going to hide something without it looking obvious.

She frantically looked around her room looking for clothes to hide her dirty little secret. She felt relieved when she came across a dress she had made that covered her neck. It was a black turtleneck dress that was adjusted at the waist but poofy at the bottom. It reached mid thigh and the sleeves reached to her elbows. It was pretty casual. Definitely not to strange to wear to school.

When she put on the dress, however, she realised it didn't completely cover the hickey. Stupid cat. She decided to leave her hair down and made two little braids in her hair. She fixed her hair and outfit and made sure the hickey was completely covered.

What she didn't realize, though, was that Chat had left more than a hickey. His claws had left marks on her thighs. She was completely oblivious to his other markings.

Now that she felt covered, she made her way to school. At the same time Adrien arrived. When he saw Marinette his jaw dropped and he felt himself blush. She looked beautiful. Marinette looked at him and waved at him with a shy smile. He was going to go talk to her when Alya immediately pulled her away. As he was deciding whether to go up to them or not, his phone buzzed. It was a message from Abby.

I'm moving again. I'm sorry I lied. You're probably so disappointed. I'm so sorry.

All the press had gotten to her and her family in just one day they couldn't handle it. They had to leave and so they did.

He replied saying it was fine and he forgived her. He put his phone back in his bag and headed to class. He made his way to his seat, the girls already in theirs.

"Are you trying to catch someone's eye?" Alya teased. Marinette blushed and hid her face a little. "Shut up." She sure as hell wasn't going to say the real reason.

Chloe walked in and looked at Marinette with disgust. "Ugh, look at Mari-trash! You look hideous!" She smirked and walked over to Marinette's seat. She took her sketchbook and threw it to the front of the class. "It was probably one of your ugly designs!" Alya growled and Marinette glared at her. She got up and went to the front of the class. She bent down and got her sketchbook, the claw marks showing. "Omg what are those?! Are those claw marks?!" Chloe screeched. The whole class gasped.

Marinette's eyes widened. She quickly stood up and turned around to face the class. Her hair flew back, exposing part of the hickey. Chloe walked up to her and pulled down the neck part of the dress, exposing the whole hickey. "Look at that! Mari-trash is a slut too! Who have you been sleeping with huh?!" Marinette pushed her away, hiding her hickey again. Her entire face was red and Adrien felt horrible.

He had done that to her and he knew Marinette was too nice to say it was Chat. She wouldn't do that to him.

"What a little whore! Scratches?! Did you sleep with Chat Noir?" Chloe laughed. Marinette's face turned redder and she nervously looked away. Chloe stopped laughing and stared at her with wide eyes. "Oh my god you did!"

The whole class went crazy.

"Holy shit you slept with Chat Noir?!"

"Doesn't he love Ladybug?"

"Oh shit he chose you over Ladybug!"


"Way to go Mari!"

"Yes girl! Get that superhero dic-"


The whole class turned around to see Adrien standing. "Leave her alone. She doesn't have to discuss anything she doesn't want to."

Chloe pouted and sat down. The whole class quieted down. Marinette took a deep breath and went back to her seat. She fixed her dress and her hair, covering her markings once again. She whispered a quiet thank you to Adrien, not looking at him in the eyes. She felt ashamed. She didn't want anyone to know and now the entire class knew. Worst of all, Chloe knew. Who knows what she would do with that information.

The teacher walked in and class went on.

Adrien felt extremely guilty. He knew he wasn't going to hear the end of it that night. He should probably do something nice for her. She did get humiliated. He didn't want to wait so he decided to do it as Adrien during lunch.


Did a little messy sketch of the dress I thought of.
Also the Abby thing was rushed cause I'm lazy
I had it written but it didn't save and I didn't feel like rewriting it. Plus it would've taken me longer to update since I've been really busy this week

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