Chapter 14

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So one of the stories I read updated twice today and im like so happy so here y'all go ♡


A month.

An entire month.

An entire fucking month.

That's how long Adrien had gone without being able to hold his princess and love her.

He still saw her at school. It broke his heart having the girl he loved right behind him but not being able to hug her or hold her.

The class occasionally still bothered them about their claims that they had sex. They both stayed quiet and rarely said anything about the subject. He didn't want to think of that considering he actually did do it with her only to be told to leave right after.

The past month was almost complete torture. He was suffering a lot, but he couldn't confide in anyone. Yeah, he had Nino, but he didn't know anything. He couldn't just tell him everything. Most of what he did was as Chat Noir.

He just hid everything behind a fake smile. So many photo shoots had made him perfect at creating the perfect smile to hide everything.

Marinette was no better. She, however, was not so lucky as Adrien to be able to hide behind a fake smile. Alya saw right through it and would constantly insist Marinette to tell her what was wrong. Her friend never usually got this upset and she feared she would become an akuma.

What also worried her, was that she didn't know what had made her so upset in the first place. She absolutely refused to tell her bestfriend what was wrong. What would she say?

That she started to fall for Chat and they had sex? That she told him to leave her alone and that was the worst mistake of her life?

At first, her decision wasn't so bad. That weekend she went out with Alya to get her mind off of things. She was fine most of Saturday. Except for when she went back home.

She was distracted all day and didn't have time to think about all the events that had happened the past week.

She wasn't sure why so much happened in one week. It was so much. Too much.

She spent the rest of the night crying. She wondered if it was even possible for her to cry that much. How had she not run out of tears.

School was a drag. For a while her classmates kept bothering her about the claims of her and Adrien. She didn't want to talk about it and it seemed like he didn't either. It also seemed like he was ignoring her. He would constantly avoid eye contact and would hardly speak to her. When her, Alya, Nino, and Adrien would go out to eat, he would walk at a distance from her. Well, at least the few days they did before their group was ruined.

She didn't know why he started avoiding her. Perhaps he regretted telling the class he had slept with her and now he wanted to stay as far away as possible.

This, of course, didn't go unnoticed, especially by Chloe. Chloe would laugh and mock Marinette. She would call her names. Call her a slut and a whore. Tell her her only purpose was to be a one night stand. Tell her she was worthless. Tell her that Adrien only did it to please himself and that he didn't care for her.

Tell her that he belonged to her and they were going to be together.

The class all stepped up to defend Marinette. All except Adrien.

He couldn't do it. He wanted to so desperately. He hated seeing his princess so hurt, but he just couldn't. Chloe would never allow him.

The class did not like this. They began to shun Adrien. Everyone loved Marinette and they couldn't believe Adrien used her. They all sided with her. She was the one in pain and he didn't care. At least to their eyes.

He was hurting badly because of this. He had finally had friends and now he was losing all of them.

Nino was practically forced to hang out with him less. Alya was furious with Adrien and would constantly pull him away. Nino did hesitate a little. Adrien was his best friend but so was Marinette and what he did to her was messed up.

The class still talked to him when it was necessary. Other than that, he was forced to hang out with Chloe and Sabrina.

Things as Chat Noir were no better. He thought perhaps he could confide in his lady. She was a great listener and always gave great advice. However, she too distanced herself. She would make patrols quick and disappear seconds after the fights were over.

He was back to being completely alone. He had no one. He lost everything. All because of the events of one fucking week.

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