Chapter 11

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The next day Marinette reluctantly got ready for school and headed out. Keeping in mind the claw marks, she wore her usual pink pants. Instead of her usual shirt and jacket, she wore a yellow turtleneck shirt with no sleeves, her hair down like the previous day. The class knew but she didn't want anyone else to know.

She was really tired and she didn't really want to face any of the comments the class had for her. She had stayed up really late crying. Chat stayed with her until she had fallen asleep.

She got there and cringed when she saw everyone already there.

When they noticed Marinette they all immediately questioned her.

"How does it feel?"

"Are you two in love?"

"That'd be rad."

"Do you know his identify?!"

"Dude how does Ladybug feel about you sleeping wit-"

"She's not sleeping with Chat Noir," Adrien said glaring slightly at the class. He got up from his seat and stood next to Marinette. His face softened and he smiled, wrapping his arm around Marinette's waist. "It was with me."

Marinette looked up at him with wide eyes. She felt like she was going to pass out. The class went into yet another frenzy.




"Omg! So are you guys together?!"


"Oh shit way to go Adrien!"

"Don't knock her up."

"Thanks for the concerning comment," Adrien raised a brow at Alix. His inner Chat was showing and he felt almost no embarrassment. He looked at Marinette and she was a blushing mess. She couldn't even muster a single word. He didn't regret a single thing. He was falling for this girl and he wanted to keep her safe.

If they continued to believe she slept with Chat Noir, she would've immediately become a target for Hawkmoth. He wasn't going to allow that.

He knew that she had cried because of this. He had stayed with her the entire time she cried. She was confused over who she loved. Him or Chat Noir. This probably wasn't going to help her in the long shot but he didn't want her to be annoyed by the class.

Marinette continued to stare up at Adrien. Her eyes were wide and her whole body was on fire. Did he really just let the class think I slept with him? He didn't deny a single thing when the class asked if they actually had sex. He kept quiet, a small smile on his face. The boys gave him a knowing look and the girls cheered for Marinette. Well except for Chloe and Sabrina.

"You're joking right Adrikins? You didn't actually sleep with... her.." Chloe said eyeing Marinette. Marinette looked down and shifted her feet. She felt the tears coming back. Adrien glared at her, "Actually Chloe, I did." He pulled her closer to his body and she felt like she died right on the spot. The class went crazy once more.


"Dude I need tips!"

"Suck it Chloe!"

Chloe glared at Alya and then looked back at Adrien. "It was just a one time thing though, right? She's just a little playmate for you to just fuck. I mean, what other purpose does she hold? But don't worry, when you get tired of her I'll be waiting for you Adrikins~" Chloe batted her eyelashes. Adrien glared at her and Marinette let out a small whimper. She tried her best not to cry. The tears were threatening to spill any second.

"Shut it you slut!" someone yelled.

"I'm not the one sleeping around!" Chloe yelled back.

"Bitch please, we all know you would kill to fuck Adrien, " Alya rolled her eyes.

All of this was getting to Marinette and it was too much. She didn't even sleep with Chat Noir. She wasn't even planning on doing so. And now Adrien was saying he had slept with her. This is bad. This is horrible. I'm going to ruin his reputation.

What will his father think if he finds out?

He removed his arm from Marinette's waist. Chloe's right. "No Chloe, you're wrong. She's not someone for me 'to just fuck'. I love Marinette." Marinette's eyes immediately shot up.

He loves me...


This can't be right...

Chloe laughed, "Stop joking around."

"I'm not joking Chloe. I love Marinette."

The class cheered.

The room started to spin. Marinette held on to the nearest desk to hold herself up. She felt like her heart was going to burst. Her heart was breaking. This is exactly what she was trying to avoid.

Adrien never noticed her and when she was beginning to get over him, he says he loves her. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. But she couldn't. Every time she opened her mouth she couldn't make a sound. She could hear the muffled screeching Chloe was making. She heard the class yelling and arguing. She heard her name being called. Or well at least it sounded like someone was calling her name. Maybe Alya or Adrien. She couldn't tell.

She just knew she needed a break. This was too much for her. Both Adrien and Chat caused her so much pain in just a few days. Why are boys so cruel? She just needed to sleep it off. Or wake up. Maybe this was all a dream. Yeah. A dream.

Adrien heard Alya yell out Marinette's name followed by a soft thud. He turned around and saw Marinette on the floor. All the stress had gotten to her and she gave in. He immediately got down and with the help of Nino, picked her up. She was extremely pale and looked sick.

Together they took Marinette to the nurse. He felt terrible. He kept making her cry. This was once again his fault.

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