Chapter 15

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Ladybug sat on the edge of the Eiffel Tower. A little over a month had passed since she had seen Chat as Marinette.

She wanted to see him so desperately but at the same time she was scared. She had broken his heart. She got his hopes up and then crushed them. Would be even want to see her again? Chat seemed distracted and upset most of the time. He'd try to hide it, but she would just see through him. She never commented. She wanted to be far away from her problems.

She shook her head at her own thoughts. Of course he wouldn't want to see the girl that broke his heart. He probably doesn't want to see her ever again. The only way she could talk to him now was Ladybug.

She sighed. There was a thud behind her and she quickly turned around to see Chat Noir. She let out a sigh of relief, "Oh, it's just you. I got a little scared for a second."

He smiled and got closer. "No need to be scared of me, my lady." She rolled her eyes and smiled at the name. He grinned at her reaction and sat down next to her. Her smile faded and she took a deep breath. She let it out and looked in the opposite direction of Chat.



"Can I ask you something?"

Chat was taken aback slightly. "Anything."

"There's a boy..."

Now he was completely taken aback. She had never opened up about her personal life and she had been extremely distant as of late. And now she was here about to ask him about a boy?

"... and I think I missed things up with him..." she continued. "And do you want to fix things with him?" It hurt him a little that there was someone in Ladybug's life. He still hadn't completely gotten over his crush so it was a little heartbreaking. Only a little. His heart belonged to Marinette. But it seemed like she didn't want it and now Ladybug had someone else.

"Yes! I-I mean... yes..." she beamed up, startling Chat a little. "I messed up bad. I got his hopes up and we shared a... moment... together. And he told me he loved me. But then I told him to leave and to leave me alone. And he did. For so long! I haven't seen him since and I wonder if he hates me now..." her voice started to crack near the end. Tears started to fall down her cheeks.

Chat panicked a little. She never expressed herself like this and he didn't know what to do. Hug her or let her be. It was a little tricky with Ladybug since he didn't really know her. He reached over and slowly pulled her into a hug. She, however, immediately pounced on him when he reached his arms forward.

She really wanted to touch him. For him to touch her. She wanted to be in his arms. She cried into his shoulder. Chat, being in shock, tensed and didn't hug her back.

He felt his cheeks get slightly red and his heart speed up a little. He slowly eased and hugged her back. He held her close.

After a few moments she pulled back a little, still holding on to him.

Chat didn't know what to do or say. He was still so surprised at Ladybug's sudden actions.

Ladybug looked at him and realized she was still holding on to him. Her eyes widened and she turned red. She quickly pulled away and sat up straight. "S-sorry," she muttered.

"It's fine..." he blinked and sat up straight. Both stared silently down at the city.

"I don't think he hates you," Chat broke the silence.

"What?" Ladybug quickly turned to look at him. "Well I don't think he would. He loves you doesn't he? If he really does love you, he shouldn't hate you. Maybe he'd feel hurt, but not hate you.

"I don't know what you did or why you did it, but if he left, it was because you told him to. He wanted to respect your wishes and give you time. You're a great person Ladybug, I doubt there's a single evil bone in your body."

He wasn't sure if he said those things to reassure her or to reassure himself. He had left Mari alone because she asked him too. If she would to ask him to visit her, he'd do it in a heartbeat.

Ladybug smiled at his words. If he was saying those things, then it meant that he didn't hate her.

She got up and pulled out her yoyo. "Thanks Chat, I feel much better. Also, could you tell Plagg to visit me? I want to talk to him." Chat stared at her confused but agreed. They said their goodbyes and left for home.

Adrien got home and destransformed. "Why would ladybug want to talk to you?" Adrien asked, giving Plagg a piece of cheese. "Don't know," the kwami said taking a bite.

"Who do you think LB was talking about? The guy?"

Plagg looked at him and scoffed. Idiot. "What was that for?" Adrien frowned. "Let me, eat my cheese in peace."

"Are you going to tell Plagg to tell Chat to visit you?" asked Tikki munching on a cookie. Marinette nodded, "Yes, you heard what he said to Ladybug. He's not mad! He was just respecting my wishes. Oh Tikki I miss him so much. I know I've seen him as Ladybug but it's just not the same."

Tikki laughed, "I know. Have you made a decision?"

"Of course! I choose Chat."

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