Chapter 8

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La Mariée and Adrien both stared in disbelief. "What?! How?!" La Mariée growled and dropped Abby. Chat Noir quickly ran and caught Abby before she landed on the ground. He put her down and looked up at Ladybug. Plagg was right. Abby wasn't ladybug.

La Mariée lunged at Ladybug but she used the string wrapped around her arm to pull her to the side. She unwrapped the string and La Mariée hit a building.

"Chat where's her akuma?" Ladybug asked looking down at him. "I-i don't k-know." Ladybug let out a sigh. She looked at La Mariée and examined everything she had on.

Her veil was what seemed to be moving. It was connected to her tiara. Ladybug looked back at Chat Noir, "It's in her tiara!"

Still in shock, Chat just nodded. "Get up here you stupid cat!" He shook his head and used his staff to get on the roof Ladybug was on.

After a tough fight, Ladybug was able to get the tiara away from La Mariée and purify the akuma.

"Bye, bye little butterfly."

Ladybug turned to Chat Noir and lifted her fist, "Pound i-" "She lied. Why didn't you say so?" "Chat i-" "I believed it was her. Everyone did."

Ladybug looked at him with a sad expression. "I thought I loved her." Ladybug stared at him. Her expression turned into an angry one and she balled her fists. "That just proves my point that you love the mask Chat!"

With that Ladybug left. Leaving Chat standing there with a broken heart.

She ignored the screaming reporters asking her questions about Abby and her true identity. She just wanted to get away from all of that. She saw Abby being surrounded by people but she didn't have time to go see what was happening. She felt bad for the girl but she had gotten herself into the mess.

Class was dismissed since Chloe cried about being "traumatized". It didn't really matter though. The fight was quite long and took up most of the school day. Marinette went back home and went straight to her room, without saying hello to either of her parents. They exchanged worried glances but decided to leave her be for some time.

Chat hadn't used his cataclysm so he wasn't in any rush. He was jumping from rooftop to rooftop. He didn't want to go home. He wanted to clear his head. Abby wasn't Ladybug. And he, thinking it was her, started dating her. And now, he had hurt Ladybug.

He ended up near Marinette's house. When he looked over he felt his face flush. He thought about the kiss and how good it felt. He was debating whether to go or not.

In the end he decided to go.

Marinette was on her bed crying. She had gotten into yet another fight with Chat Noir. He didn't really love her. If he did he would've know that wasn't her. If he really claimed to love her so much he should've noticed something that wasn't right.

She heard a knock at her window and she froze. She ignored it. He knocked again but louder. She got up. If he knocked any louder her parents would hear. She got down and stomped to the window. She opened and looked up at him with a frown.

She looked almost the same as she had the previous night. Her eyes were puffy and her cheeks were flushed. However, tears were running down her cheeks this time. He looked at her shocked. Why was she crying? Who hurt his princess this time. He hadn't done anything, had he?

Sin warning (;

She crossed her arms across her chest, "What do you want? The fight is over and it's still daylight! Someone could've seen you come here!"

"I-i know, i-i ju-just wanted t-to see you again, pr-princess."

He still couldn't get the kiss out of his mind. Right now he was heartbroken and needed comfort. She just hummed, clearly annoyed.



"Can I kiss you again?"

Marinette stared at him with wide eyes. Her lips parted slightly. Had he really just asked to kiss her? She stared up at him blinking repeatedly.

"I-im sorry, I-i shouldn't have asked, it's impoli-"



"You can kiss me Chat."

She wasn't sure why she even said that. Perhaps she needed the comfort as much as he did. Perhaps she liked the kiss as much as he did. She wasn't sure.

He jumped inside her room and stood in front of her. He was blushing and staring at her with wide eyes.


"Just kiss me already chat."

With that his lips crashed into hers. His hands went to her hips and her hands wrapped around his neck. Her lips felt so soft against his. He slowly pushed her back towards the wall. He grabbed her by her thighs and lifted her, pressing her against the wall. She hit the wall harder than how he intended. She let out a gasp and he slipped his tongue in.

He deepened the kiss and Marinette was moaning quietly into his mouth. Her moans drove him crazy and he wanted to hear more.

Marinette wasn't thinking anymore. When she allowed him to kiss her, she thought it was just going to be a normal kiss. He'd kiss her, feel better, and then leave. But nope, she was wrong. So very wrong. He wanted more than what she initially offered and he was going to take what he wanted.

One of his hands slipped into her shirt and went towards her back. He started leaving kissing down her jaw line as she arched her back. Their chests were pressed together and he could feel her breasts against him. He let out a groan, trailing kisses down to her neck.

He reached the middle of the side of her neck and started sucking and biting. Marinette moaned, her hands now messing with his hair.

Her moans excited him even more, and Marinette could feel it on her thigh.

He pulled her back away from the wall and sat down on her chaise, Mari sitting on his lap. He kissed her again, the kiss full of lust. She rolled her hips against him and he let out a moan. She smiled into their kiss.

Beep beep beep.

Chat Noir groaned and pulled away. Dammit Plagg. He was really enjoying his time with her. Marinette giggled and looked at him with her bluebell eyes. She was going to be the end of him. How could someone look so cute and innocent after doing something so wrong?

"I have to go, but this isn't over princesse," he said giving her a peck on the lips.

She got off him and he got up. He walked towards the window and turned to look at her one more time.

"Goodbye princess."

"Bye Kitty."

When he left, Marinette fell back into her chaise. She had kissed him again. They had made out and she moved her hips against him. Her face was almost as red as Ladybug's suit.

"Are you sure you don't have feelings for Chat Noir?"

Marinette groaned in response, covering her face with her hands.


Is this moving too fast? This is probably moving too fast.

Edit: lol I don't feel like replying to this all the time so I'm adding it here: The reason she says "ok" to Chat when he asks to kiss her is explained in the story lol. She's weak and vulnerable, she needed the comfort. Her heart has been broken and she needs something to make her feel better

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