Chapter 7

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Adrien woke up the next day feeling happy yet extremely guilty. He had kissed Marinette and he loved every second of it, but that meant he had cheated on Abby. He wasn't that type of person. He felt horrible. How could he face Abby and Marinette at school?

Plagg looked at him and chuckled. "That's what you get," he mumbled to himself smirking. He ate his last piece of camembert and flew over to him. "Get up kid, you need to get to school," he said. Adrien groaned.

He reluctantly got up and got ready for school.

Marinette woke up right before her alarm. Her heart fluttered and a slight blush formed when she thought of the previous night. She had kissed Chat and it felt so amazing. But at the same time she felt horrible. Had she done wrong in kissing him? He has feelings for ladybug, so why did he kiss back?

She pushed aside her thoughts and got ready for school.

When Adrien got to school, Abby walked over to and hugged him. "Hey Adrien." "Hey," he said weakly, hugging her back. She pulled back and looked at him with a worried expression, "hey are you ok?" "Yeah just tired." "Alright."

Just then Marinette walked by. Adrien felt his heart flutter seeing her. He quickly shook his head and looked away.

Marinette was lost in thought when she accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch it Mari-trash!" exclaimed Chloe with disgust. "I don't want you ruining my outfit and making my day worse!" "What?"

"SHE took Adrikins from ME! He's supposed to be mine! And I don't believe for one second that bitch is Ladybug!" she huffed. "Why not?" "Because Ladybug and I are besties! And I know for a fact Ladybug's eyes are blue, not turquoise like Abby's, and she has freckles and Abby doesn't! But of course no one believes me!"

Marinette stared up at Chloe with wide eyes. For once Chloe was actually right. "Holy crap I didn't think of that before," Marinette said, with wide eyes. She got up and frowned. Chloe scoffed, "Of course you wouldn't, do you believe she's ladybug too?" "Of course not."

"Why not?"

"I-i just don't. It doesn't seem believeable."

"Well whatever, at least someone agrees with me."

"Are you going to do something about it?"

"No one will believe me. No one will believe you either. We'd need ladybug to deny."

Marinette froze. Should she do that? If I do that she would ruin Abby's reputation. Then again she was pretending to be her. Which means Adrien thinks he loves her.

"But how will we do that?" Chloe broke Marinette's thoughts. "We?"

Chloe raised a brow and looked at her, "Well duh, no one will believe me, maybe the two of us can do something. This doesn't mean we're friends though! I'm just doing it so Abby will stay away from Adrikins."

Marinette just nodded. "We'll discuss this later after class, I don't want anyone thinking I'm associated with you," Chloe said walking to class. Mari rolled her eyes and walked to class as well.

While in class Marinette couldn't stop thinking. Should I do it? Ugh I'm not sure. She couldn't focus on anything. Her mind was all over the place. She wasn't that type of person but if she didn't say anything Abby could get into serious danger.

Adrien was in a situation similar to hers. He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Why the hell did I kiss her?

Plagg chuckled to himself. Did the kwami have anything to do with it? Maybe, maybe not. There wasn't any proof.

Just then an explosion was heard outside the classroom. Ms. Bustier turned to her students, "Find somewhere safe! Stay away from windows!"

All students turned back to face Abby. "Go do you thing!"

"Yeah! You go ladybug!"

Abby just smiled and laughed awkwardly. Chloe glared at her and Marinette had a worried expression.

The students all ran out, leaving Abby,  Adrien, Mari, and Chloe. "Well? Go do your thing 'Ladybug'" said Chloe with an attitude. "Chloe!" Adrien glared at her. "R-right!" Abby got up from her seat and was about to head out when white lace and silk fabrics broke through the window and took a hold of Abby. Abby screamed as she was pulled out of the building.

Chloe ran out of the room leaving Adrien and Mari wide eyed. The both ran to the hole in the window and saw a bride standing on top of a near building. Her hair was in long messy curls and mascara was running down her face. Her vail and poofy dress stretched long and was covering many buildings.

(This is gonna be lame sorry)

"Je suis La Mariée! I had my perfect day ruined so I will ruin all of yours!"

Adrien turned to Marinette, "You need to leave now!" She nodded and headed out the door. She had no time to argue. Abby was in real danger.

Adrien hid behind one of the desks and transformed. He jumped out of the window and aimed for Abby. La Mariée pulled her away and Chat landed on the roof. "I don't think so! This was so easy! I already have ladybug!" she laughed.

The purple butterfly outlined appeared on her face, "Yes! Now all you need is to take her earrings."

Hawkmoth laughed. Ladybug made a horrible mistake in revealing herself. It made it so much easier for him to catch her. The akuma didn't have to wait for her to show up. They already knew her civilian form so they just had to after her.

Abby squirmed and cried. "Chat Noir! Help me please!" she cried out. Chat Noir growled. He didn't want anyone touching or hurting his lady. He ran to her again and tried grabbing Abby once more. La Mariée pulled her away and laughed. "This won't be so easy!" She motioned her hand towards Chat and fabrics flew over to him and held him right against a building. La Mariée turned to Abby.

"Now I just need to precious earrings of yours."

"NO!" Chat screamed.

La Mariée stretched her hand towards the earrings when a string wrapped around her hand. Her hand was pulled back and she stared wide eye behind her.

"I don't think so," smirked Ladybug.


I decided someone shouldn't be so dense. Why Chloe? Cause she wouldn't believe some random nobody was Ladybug and she'd try to point out and look for flaws.

La mariée just means 'the bride'. I'm not that creative ok?

I wasn't going to update today but I might not be able to update til Monday since I work this weekend

So I decided to update it today (:

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