Chapter 12

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Today is my birthday so I decided to treat y'all to a new chapter ♡


Marinette woke up, her head pounding.

"Are you alright?" she heard someone say. Her eyes adjusted to the light and she saw it was the nurse. Her back was to her and she was sitting at her desk. "What... happened?"

"You passed out before class started, two of your classmates brought you in," she said writing down on a piece of paper. "How long was I out?" she asked sitting up."About half an hour, if you're feeling better, you can go ahead and head to class." The nurse turned around and smiled at her, handing her the paper.

She took the paper and got up. She balanced herself on the bed and stood up straight. She went back to class and walked in. The class was quietly doing an assignment in pairs. Ms. Bustier looked at her, "Are you feeling better?" Marinette nodded. "That's good, take your seat. The class is working on the project, remember, it's due Monday." Marinette nodded and took her seat. She had forgotten about the project. Thank god she and Alya had already done most of it. It was Friday meaning they had the weekend and this class to finish it.

"Hey, you alright Mari?" Alya asked. She had been gone for some time and she had been worried. "Did you not get enough sleep?" Marinette shook her head, not wanting to talk about it. "Let's just work on the project, maybe we can finish it today during class. That way we have a free weekend."

Alya looked at her friend with a worried look but nodded anyways.

Adrien continued to worry, even after seeing Marinette walk into class perfectly fine. He had caused her so much heartache and he was starting to worry she could get akumatized. That's what he least wanted. To have to fight his princess.

He excused himself to the restroom and quickly left the classroom. He ran to the bathroom and entered one of the stalls. He opened his overshirt and Plagg flew out. "I was having a good nap," whined the kwami.

"Do you think you can talk to Marinette?"


"I think she might hate me after what I did today."

"Well of course she would. You keep playing with her feelings," the kwami glared at him. "You mess around with her as Chat and then be a gentleman and talk to her more as Adrien. She's had a huge crush on you as Adrien for forever no-"

"Wait, really?" Adrien asked wide eyed.

"Yes, you blind moron. You've failed to notice her feelings and now that she started falling for Chat, Adrien says he loves her. You are going to drive the poor girl insane." The kwami had his arms crossed and he was shaking his head. "You need to fix all of this. So many lies can do no good."

"But how? Should I reveal myself?"

"Don't! Are you trying to kill her? She's had so much for the past few days! Either chose to love her as Chat or as Adrien. You can't play with her feelings using both alter egos."

"She's going to be mad at Chat and if Adrien leaves her, it's going to look like I used her."

"Let her decide, go visit her again."

Adrien nodded and the kwami flew back into his shirt. He went back to class and resumed what he was doing.

Lunch time rolled around and Marinette disappeared again. This time Adrien wasn't able to go after her. She left too fast for anyone to catch up to her. Well except for Plagg.

Marinette made her way upstairs to her apartment. She made it into the kitchen and sat down on the island table. She put her head down and groaned. Things were going so bad for her. She just wanted everything to end.

"Hey, don't be so down Mari."

She quickly shot up to see the black cat like kwami floating next to Tikki. "Plagg!" "Long time no see kid." She smiled and got up. She got him some camembert and set it on the table.

"What brings you here this time?" she questioned. "Chat sent me this time. He heard that you passed out in class and he's worried."

Marinette's expression turned to a sad one as she remembered all the events that lead her to pass out.

"Is it the two boys?"

"Yes, before they were so focused on Ladybug and now they both love me! It was just a few days ago that Abby showed up and left! How the hell did they both fall for me in just a few days?!"

"You've known both of them for 3 years Mari, maybe they just realized they liked you," reasoned Tikki. "That would only explain Chat, though. But what about Adrien? He had dated Abby. Why the hell does he like me now?" Marinette was fuming. She was so mad. She was so confused.

"Marinette please calm down!"

"Yeah kid! Don't get akumatized."

Marinette looked at them and took deep breaths. They're right. I need to calm down. Both kwamis sighed when she finally calmed down. "Is there one you prefer?"

His question made Marinette freeze.

"W-well... I-i... I d-don't know.." she stuttered, her face entirely red. She bit her lip, "Tell Chat to visit me."

"You are a confusing child."


"Nothing, after school today?" Plagg asked. Marinette nodded. She ate her lunch and made her way back to school.

Plagg flew back into Adrien's bag with the mental note to remind him to visit Mari. Class ended and everyone got ready to go home.

Mari and Alya had finished their project so they had a free weekend. They made plans and Marinette headed home. She had something to tell the cat and she was nervous.

She hoped she wouldn't mess things up.

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