Chapter 19

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Chat stared wide eyed at Ladybug. Had she just told him who she was?

"Wh-what?" he stuttered. "It's me, Marinette. And I love you too Kitty," she smiled, laying her head on the crook of his neck.

Chat pulled away quickly and shook his head. "Th-this is a joke. It's part of the spell. You need to snap out of it LB!" Chat said backing away. Ladybug just smiled and walked over to him.

Chat looked around, panicked. How was he going to get Ladybug back? Even if he could defeat Kiupita, he couldn't purify the akuma. He grabbed his staff and used it to escape Ladybug's grasp. He made his way over to the Notre Dame.

A few meters in front of him was Kiupita. Her back was turned to him and she was shooting arrows at people. He quietly walked over to her and used his staff to make her fall.

She managed to hit him, making him fall back as well. The bow landed a few feet in front of them. Before he could reach it, Kiupita kicked it away and jumped on top of him.

He pushed her off and tried reaching for the bow again. Kiupita pulled him back with his belt. She reached for a black arrow and tried jamming it into his shoulder.

He pointed his staff at her stomach and extended it, pushing her back. She dropped the arrow and Chat quickly got up. He ran over to the bow and picked it up. He smashed it in half with his knee and the akuma flew out.

"Great, now what?" he muttered to himself. He quickly ran to the edge of the building and looked around. "I found you!"

He turned around to see Ladybug walking to him quickly. She hugged him tightly and smiled up at him. "Ok, LB, can you do me a huge favor?" he asked. "Sure," she grinned. "Can you purify the akuma before it spreads?"

"Of course Kitty!" She grabbed her yoyo and purified the akuma. Since she didn't use her lucky charm, purifying the akuma fixed everything.

The girl's outfit changed back into her normal clothing and Ladybug fell out of the spell. "What the hell happened?" she asked. "Um, we'll talk later... get the girl to safety..." Chat said slowly walking backwards. Before Ladybug could reply, Chat left.

Ladybug helped the girl back down to the ground and made sure everything else was fine. As she headed back home, memories of what happened after she got hit started to come back.

She felt her face turn red in embarrassment when she remembered she had hugged Chat.

As she landed inside her room and detransformed, she remembered the things she told Chat.

I know you do, it's me.

It's me, Kitty. Marinette.

I love you too, Kitty.

She told him her identity. She told him she loved him.

"It really is you..."

Marinette jumped and stared wide-eyed at Chat. He had been standing there and he saw her detransform.

"I can't believe it... it's actually you..." Chat didn't know how to feel. He felt happy. Very happy. The two girls he loved were one, but it also meant he had hurt her twice as much as he originally thought.

Marinette started to panick. Did he not want her to be ladybug? Had this ruined things between them? He said he loved both girls, but did he actually?

Chat noticed her horrified expression and panicked a little himself. His quietness made her anxious. "I-its not a bad thing!" he said, almost a yell. Marinette jumped slightly at his outburts.

I love you too Kitty.

The words kept playing back in his head. He would've normally thought that it was because she was under the spell, but Kiupita said real feelings had to be there in order for it to work. So that meant she really did love him.

"I-im so glad it's you!" he said walking over to her and hugging her tightly. Marinette tensed. Chat pulled back slightly, placed his hands on her cheeks, and gave her numerous kisses around her face. Marinette laughed a little and blushed.

"So you're not disappointed?"

"You're kitt-ing me right now. Of course I'm not! I love you Marinette."
Marinette smiled. He called her by her name. He didn't refer to her as her alter ego.

"I love you too Kitty."

Chat grinned and picked her up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Marinette laughed, "What are you doing?"

"I'm just so happy! I can't believe it's you! This is amazing!"

"Oh just shut up and kiss me you stupid cat."

They both leaned in when they heard Marinette's mom knock on the trap door. "Marinette?"

Chat put her down and they both started panicking. "Just a second mom!" she replied. She pushed Chat up to her bed and he bent down in the farthest corner.

Marinette quickly sat down on her chair as her mom opened the door. "Is everything alright? I heard some noise," she said looking around. "Oh! I just moved some things around! To make more... space... for uh... a design!" Marinette laughed awkwardly.

Sabine smiled and nodded. She closed the door and went back downstairs. Marinette let out a sigh and Chat laughed. "Oh shut up," Marinette said, standing up. Chat climbed back down and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I believe we were about to kiss right before your mom came?" Chat said with a grin. Marinette rolled her eyes.

His lips met hers and Marinette felt butterflies in her stomach. They hadn't kissed in over a month and it felt amazing.

Marinette pulled away, slightly out of breath. "If you're going to stay, no more kissing." Chat pouted slightly. Marinette raised a brow, "I'm not letting what happened last month happen again. I highly doubt you're prepared and we're both too young to be parents."

Chat shrugged, "You have a point. Can we watch a movie instead?"

"Sure Kitty," she smiled.


I'll update when it reaches 15 votes

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