Chapter 3

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Marinette got home and looked at the ladyblog. Surely enough the interview Alya had done with Abby was up.

"So how did you become ladybug?"

"Well I was just walking home one day when I found the earrings to the side of the street in a box!"

You could hear all the students amazement and excitement in the background.

"How does it feel to be ladybug?"

"It feels amazing! You get to help others and do many awesome things."

"How do you feel about Chat Noir? Do you know his identity?"

"Chat Noir is an amazing partner, I couldn't ask for a better one! Truth be told, I may have a little crush on him! And no, I don't know his identity, yet!"

Marinette turned off the computer screen. She couldn't listen to anymore of the lies she was saying.

How could anyone believe her?

"Mari, you need to get your mind off of that, work on homework, you still have this weekend to work on the project with Alya," said the Kwami petting Marinette's cheek. "I guess so," mumbled the Parisian.

She tried her best to focus on her homework but she couldn't. Her thoughts kept going back to the girl and everything that happened at school.

Did Chat Noir believe her? He shouldn't though, right? He's my partner, we've known each other for almost 3 years. He should know enough to believe that's not me!

Mari cried out and sulked in her chair. She turned around to see Tikki happily asleep on her pillow. She sighed and got up. She needed some fresh air.

She opened the hatch and led to the roof and climbed up. She walked over to the edge and leaned on the railing. She had lived there her whole life, yet the night view could always take her breath away. It didn't matter how many times she had seen it.

Not far from her house was a black cat strolling the rooftops. Chat Noir noticed his princess and smiled. He headed over to her balcony and landed behind her. "Hello, purrincesse," he said with a slight smirk. Marinette didn't turn around though, she stayed staring at the night sky. There were no stars. All of Paris's lights made it difficult. "Hey," she replied, her voice a soft whisper.

The cat was worried now. What happened to my princess? He walked over to her and stood next to her. Before he could open his mouth to say anything, she spoke up. "Chat, do you really think she's ladybug?"

Chat stared at her confused. "What? Abby? Well of course, she has the earrings, that's ladybug miraculous."

"But what if she's lying? How can you be so sure it's her?" By now she was gripping the rail tightly. Her knuckles were turning white and she was looking down.

Before he could reply she quickly turned around and got close to him. Her face was centimeters away from his. "You of all people should know, she's your partner, you know her well don't you?"

"Well, I-"

"Tell me chat, do you really think it's her?"

"Princess what is going on? Why are you acting like this?"

"She's not ladybug Chat! Can't you see that?!"

"And how do you know that?! It's not like you're ladybug!"

His words stung. She stepped back, her eyes wide. His eyes widened as he realised he had yelled at her. He doesn't think I could be ladybug. Of course he wouldn't.

Her eyes dropped and he could see the sadness in them. "Mari-,"

"Please leave," she said hugging herself. Tears were forming in the corner of her eyes. "Mari, please," he tried getting close to her but she stepped back. "Please"

He looked down. Marinette turned around and he left without a word. She went back into her room and collapsed on her bed.

She laid there sobbing. She didn't know how much more heartbreak she could take. Should I say? Should I keep quiet? It's not like anyone will believe me.

Chat got home and detransformed. "What was that all about?" he asked Plagg. Plagg could only groan. He wanted to tell Adrien that Abby wasn't ladybug so he'd shut up. "Give me cheese," he responded. Adrien just glared at him. "Hey hey hey, just cause your princess made you mad doesn't mean you can be a jerk to me too," the kwami replied crossing his tiny arms. Adrien's eyes widened, "Shit, I was a jerk wasn't I?"

"Yes, now give me cheese" And stop being an idiot.


This was just a filler chapter really. Right now it's a mess since I labeled it as a Marichat story but so far it's more about Abby claiming to be ladybug, but bare with me please. I'll fix this

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