Chapter 17

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Chat ran excitedly to Marinette's house. He didn't even question Plagg how he went from being with Ladybug to being with Marinette. He didn't care. He was finally going to see his princess!

He stood on her balcony. He was too excited. He was practically bouncing up and down.

Marinette was no different. She was so excited to see Chat. Should she dress nicely? Should she do her makeup? She was freaking out.

She had showered and put on a pretty dress. She put her hair in their normal pigtails. She thought maybe she and Chat could go out somewhere.

He knocked on the roof door. He heard a loud thud and shuffling around. He held back a laugh.

She opened the door and looked up at him.

Both of them froze and tensed up. A slight blush formed on their cheeks. Both of their hearts were beating fast and they were holding their breath.

It had been so long since they'd seen each other this way. Seeing Marinette as Adrien was completely different than seeing her as Chat.

It was the same for Marinette. It was very different seeing Chat as Ladybug than as Marinette.

"Hi..." Marinette said quietly, letting out the breath she was holding. "H-hello, princess," he responded. "Come in," she said moving aside. He went in and they both sat on Marinette's bed facing each other.

"You look beautiful princess," he smiled. She blushed and said a quiet thank you. They both stayed silent and Marinette slowly inched closer and sat next to him.

She lay her head on his shoulder and he tensed. After a few moments he relaxed and wrapped his arm around her waist. He sat her on his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head where his shoulder and neck met. They both sat there quietly in each other's arms. They both said nothing, fearing they would say the wrong thing and mess things up.

Besides, they didn't need to say anything. Holding each other was more than enough. Their talk as Ladybug and Chat Noir was enough to have both of them calmed and relaxed.

The month they spent apart, although emotionally exhausting, was somewhat helpful for the both of them. It was just enough time for them to digest what happened.

Enough time for Marinette to choose Chat and enough time for Chat to choose Marinette.

"Do you want to go get ice cream?" Marinette finally spoke up.


"André's ice cream," she said looking up at him. He smiled, "If that's what my princess desires." She rolled her eyes and got up.

They both climbed back up to the balcony. Chat turned to her and stuck out his hand with a grin. She smiled and took his hand. He carried he bridal style and jumped from rooftop to rooftop. "Do you know where he is this time?" he asked her. She nodded, "He's near the Eiffel Tower."

Chat reached the Eiffel Tower and looked around. "There!" Marinette pointed. He was positioned straight across, in front of the fountains, crossing the street. "How did you know where he was?" he asked. "Alya went with Nino and told me." He remembered Nino mentioning something about Alya the last time they had the chance to talk.

They made their way over to André and he smiled. "Oh what a wonderful couple!" he gushed. "A civilian girl and a superhero! How exciting!" Both of them blushed. "What an honor to serve for one of Paris's favorite superhero! And his lovely girlfriend," he smiled at Marinette.

Her eyes widened and her face went entirely red. However, neither of them denied it. They got their ice cream and started walking around. The dark sky made the city lights glow beautifully and they walked in silence, enjoying their ice cream. Much like in Marinette's room, they didn't want to say a word in fear they would ruin everything.

"Marinette?" they heard a voice behind them. They both turned around to see Alya holding hands with Nino. Alya smirked when she saw their hands were linked as well. While they were walking, Chat had slowly taken a hold of her hand and she didn't protest. She like holding his hand. It was a large contrast of what they had done the last time they saw each other.

Marknette felt her face turn hot. "Can Mari and I have a moment?" she asked the boys. Before either boy could say anything or even react, Alya pulled her away. Both boys looked at each other with raised brows. Alya made sure to pull Marinette away from hearing distance of the boys.

"So? Are you two a thing?!" she asked. Although it had taken time for Marinette to open up to her friend, she eventually did and confessed everything about Chat. She had expected her friend to scold her for her poor decision but she reassured her instead. Alya loved her friend and would never hate her or stop being friends with her.

Marinette blushed, "I-i don't know." Alya looked at her with a raised brow, "You were holding hands... and eating André's ice cream... you can't tell me you two aren't a couple..."

"Alya, we just saw each other after an entire month apart," Marinette said. "Yeah that's true... I better get details about this later though!" she grinned. Marinette laughed, "Ok Alya."

They both headed back to the boys. They had both been discussing what it was the girls were talking about.

"Ready to go Alya?" Nino asked. She nodded and took his hand. "Well see you later Mari! Oh and I expect an interview from my bestfriend's boyfriend!" she yelled as she was walking away. Once again both blushed but neither denied.

"W-we should head back too," Marinette spoke up. Chat looked at her and pouted, "Already?" She laughed, "Silly Kitty, tomorrow is Saturday, we can hang out tomorrow."

He grinned. He picked her up and took her back home.

"Goodbye princess," he said, giving her a quick kiss. He pulled away before she could react. "B-bye.." she breathed out, her face red.

As much as he'd love to stay and kiss her properly, he knew Plagg wouldn't allow him. The kwami wasn't prepared like last time and he didn't want to take any chances. So he began to annoy Adrien so they could leave.

They did so and Adrien got to his room and detransformed. He sighed happily. He had gone on a date with Marinette. Things as Chat were now fixed. Now he had to fix things as Adrien.


I missed my boyfriend too much at the time of writing this.

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