Chapter 2

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The weekend was a blurr. I worked on the project with Alya and got most of it done.

As usual I woke up to Tikki screaming my name saying I was late. I quickly got up and threw my clothes one. I ran downstairs and kissed maman and papa goodbye. I ran into the school building to find everyone outside their classrooms. Why wasn't anyone in class. School started, didn't it?

I saw that they were all huddle and I made my way over to the group. I felt someone pull me in and saw it was Alya. Her eyes were filled with excitement and she had a huge grin. I smiled and asked, "what's gotten you so happy? And why is everyone huddled up?" "Didn't you hear?! Ladybug is here!" she squealed. "What?!" How was that possible?

Alya was jumping up and down, "I know right! I can't believe it either! But look!" She pointed to the inside of the group. In the middle stood a girl showing off her earings and yoyo. Her hair was a dark blue and her eyes were a turquoise color. She was wearing a red turtle neck shirt with sleeves that reached her elbows and a black skirt. She had ankle boots and her hair was in pigtails like mine.

"Are you really ladybug?" I heard someone say. I turned to see Adrien standing next to her. His eyes were wide with excitement. She giggled and twirled her hair, "Yup! The one and only!"

I couldn't believe this.

Adrien looked at her with admiration and I felt my heart shatter. He really believed she was ladybug. I felt tears form in the corner of my eyes so I ran.

No one noticed. Everyone was occupied talking to "ladybug". I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls. I blinked back the tears as my heart raced. Tikki flew out of my bag and comforted me. "Tikki Adrien believes she's ladybug, what if he asks her out?! You heard him! He said he liked ladybug! And he thinks she's ladybug!" I choked back the tears that were forming once again.

Before Tikki could reply, a teacher started telling students to head to class. I got out of the bathroom stall quickly and ran to class. Almost everyone was seated, except for Adrien and Alya. They came in with the girl. They were all talking and I had to look away. Alya sat down next to me and kept talking about how this Abby girl was amazing. "I got an interview for the ladyblog!" she squealed. "Alya? How are you so sure she's ladybug?" I asked. "Well the earnings! Duh!" she laughed. I smiled weakly at her and looked away.

I couldn't focused in any classes, however. Who is this girl? Why is everyone believing her?

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Nino whisper to Adrien, "Dude, you should ask her out! You're always saying you like ladybug, and here she is!" Adrien blushed a little and said, "Maybe I should!"

My heart shattered into a million pieces and I had to hold back tears. Lucky for me, the bell rang, and I immediately ran out of the classroom. I was thankful it was the last class. I ignored Alya's worried call and ran home. If he was going to ask her out, I wasn't going to be there for that.

Adrien's POV

Marinette had gotten up and ran out of the classroom quickly. Alya called out to her but she didn't listen. How strange. Was she upset? Did something happen? I made a mental note to go talk to her later as Chat.

Right now, I needed to ask my lady out! Abby walked towards me from the back of the classroom. "Hey Abby can we talk?" I asked. "Of course!"

We both walked out of the classroom and out the school building. "What did you want to talk about?" she asked. "Well I-I was wondering if..." I started. I felt my cheeks getting red. Abby looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. "Yes?" she said. "If you wanted to go on a date!" I blurted out. She giggled, "Of course! I'd love to." She twirled her and blushed a little.

She never did that in super hero form. Maybe because we needed to focus on missions. I myself am probably different than Chat Noir.

I smiled at her and said, "Great! We can go out this Friday! Well I gotta go, I'll see you tomorrow! Bye Abby!"


Third POV

Adrien got home and threw himself onto his bed. "Adrien, give me cheese," he heard Plagg say. He got up and gave him a big piece of cheese. "Whoa! What's gotten you so happy?" he asked. "I got a date with ladybug!" he exclaimed.

The kwami choked on his cheese. "What?"




The Kwami stared at Adrien in confusion and disbelief. He desperately wanted to tell him she wasn't Ladybug, but he couldn't. "How are you so sure it's her?" Plagg asked. "The earrings, they're the exact ones Ladybug has," Adrien explained.

The kwami could only sigh. How could he be so dense?


Chapter 2 (':
I honestly have no idea where this is going. I'm just making up as I go
I wasn't going to publish or even write this today but I had inspiration to write and draw

Which is weird

So I drew Abby

I changed 2 small details that I knew would be easy for others to overlook
Mari/Ladybug has freckles, Abby doesn't
M/L has blue eyes, Abby's are turquoise with more green than blue

Will this come in handy?
Probably not cause everyone's fucking blind

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